Chapter : 77

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As Precious As Her.

She feels thirsty. Her head hurts like it's going to explode anytime. She can sense that there is a blanket on her body. She tries to open her eyes, but fails. Her whole body aches as she tries to move. Her lips feel like they are glued to each other.

It takes everything in her to open those light brown eyes. The very moment they get opened she immediately closes them again due to the sudden attack of lights in the room. That's when she remembers, she remembers what happened to her, to her friends. They were drugged.

She forcefully opens her eyes only to find herself covered under a blanket. She is still wearing the same white salwar suit she wore after her return from the garden. She looks around and tries to make sense of the place she is finding herself in. A room, big but empty enough. She is lying on a sofa cum bed, there is a wooden table some 12 feets away from her, behind it is a revolving chair. There are windows but they seem extremely high. Right beside the sofa cum bed is a small table, that has a bottle of water and some pills, presumably pain killers. Beside the table is a door that seems to be the main entrance, another door beside the bed probably leads to a washroom. She decides to get inside the bathroom and see if there is any possibility that she can escape.

That's when the door to the room opens and enters the most nauseating person she has ever seen in her entire life. His manic eyes fall on her and a smile breaks on his face.

"No doubt you're awake. It was about time." He says walking towards her carrying a plate full of food. Vasudha's vision is still blurry, she feels extremely lightheaded.

"W-what is this place? Where.... where am I?" She asks blinking her eyes and shaking her head to gain back her senses.

"Don't work your brain so much now darling. You're safe here and you should know that you're always safe with me. I'll take care of you, I'll bring you whatever you need." He says as he places the plate on the bedside table and sits on the bed. Vasudha looks at him with utter disgust as she sees him opening the cap of the bottle and bring it to her mouth, which she immediately seizes from his hand. Ekansh seems pissed at her action but still tries hard to keep his calm.

She drinks because not drinking will only weaken her and she doesn't need that now. As she places the bottle on the bed her eyes follow him. Clenching his jaw he fills the spoon with some rice and brings it to her mouth once again, as if she didn't reject his attempt a few seconds back and that's when she thinks she has acted nice enough, it's time she stops doing any of it. So, before he could blink again her left hand pushes the spoon so forcefully that the spoon flies and lands on the floor.

She sees him, fuming with anger, just like her. Within a second her open hair comes into his deadly grip as he brings her face menacingly close to his.

"You try that with me once again and I'll show you what I'm capable of. DO. YOU. HEAR. ME?!" He shouts but she doesn't even flinch.

"I'll do that again, as many times as you'll do that. I don't fear your shitty split personality." She says and her words actually surprise him.
"And about your capability, trust me, I know what kind of an animal you're. Do you think I don't know what you did to brother? Do you think the world won't? Truth doesn't stay hidden for long you know. It comes out, it will come out." She adds with a voice full of venom. Instead of getting angry his eyes soften, they even show a glimpse of fear.

"I.. I did nothing. Who brainwashed you into this? T-that Danuj D'? Listen to me Vasudha, he is lying. You're brother was a very good friend of mine. I could never hurt h...." His words doesn't end as her calm voice intervenes.

"Oh really? You sound so innocent. Am I misunderstanding, did Danuj brainwash me? For your kind information, he didn't. And you should know that I know who..actually what you are. Do you know what?" She asks and he hesitantly looks at the floor.

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