Chapter : 36

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The Road Ahead.

"How long have you been following my car?" Danuj asks menacingly. His grey eyes piercing through the bulky guy's eyes, searching for clues. He is holding the guy against the tree trunk as his right hand is wrapped around a scorpion dagger that is plunged through the guy's palm and sticking it to the tree trunk. Danuj gives one cold glance towards his bleeding palm and then looking at the guy he comes back to his nonchalant self.

"Our men are spread a-all.. aah.. all over the town. This time you won't get the chance D'." The man says struggling miserably. What he gets in return is a bitter scoff.

"Ask Ekansh to face me himself or stop already. Knowing the weakling he is, he'll keep attacking unarmed people, that too from the back. Pathetic. These small attacks can never gain him what he wants. No matter how small the jungle is, it has only one king. The one who deserves, gets it. A coward will never." His deep voice utters as coldly as possible.

"Who is the coward here? He or you? The one who never dared to show his face." The bulky man throws. Danuj's face keeps the same nonchalant expression.

"See, did that stop you from finding me and installing some useless men here and there? No. Why? Because you and your weakling of a boss knows I won't stop until I achieve the last remaining source of power. And what does that mean? That means your boss is gonna lose his chair soon. Aah..The mere thought of him losing his sound sleep perks up my mood. So that means, you show people who you are only by your abilities and not by your face. You should change your team pal, it's high time for you. Otherwise, all of you have to settle for something even meager than what you're already earning. And about my face, if you're lucky enough to survive this bleeding hand amidst this secluded road, I promise you'll get to see me pretty soon." Saying so he harshly pulls the knife out, following by an earth shattering cry on the man's part. The man falls on the ground but immediately gets pulled up by his collar.

"Now go, and tell him, if he has the spine, he should have it man to man. I don't play well with cowards. They bore me." He retorts, throwing the man back to the ground.


It has been long enough since Danuj left her locked inside the car. She feels claustrophobic and also a little nervous. "Did he finally trick her? Was it all a part of his whole huge evil plan? Did he truly abandoned her midway?" These are the questions she keeps thinking about, when the door to the car opens and out of instinct she grabs the torch as tightly as possible. Who knows if it's a robber or something? She'll straight away throw it to their head. That should knock them out. Yes. She's all set when Danuj peaks inside, just about to be attacked. That's when he immediately brings one hand forward and holds the torch out of self defense.

"What's with you woman?!" He shouts startling her.
"It seems I am going be murdered by you before my arch enemies get to do the holy job themselves." He adds as he takes the seat eventually and stares at Vasudha. Who has placed her right hand over her heart and panting. She is looking straight out of the front glass.

"It's 12.30 in the night. You left me here at 11.40 with these godforsaken food packets. I thought.. I thought.." She mumbles, breathing heavily.

"Let me guess. You thought I left you, so that the wild animals here get to have the dinner of a lifetime. Clever Sudha. Because, that's what my initial plans were, but then I thought about the poor animals out there. A dangerous woman like you can influence their digestion in many ways, after all. So I changed the plan." He responds, stifling a laugh, more so as he sees her eyebrows furrow in what he thinks in a "Is this man for real" way .

"If this was a joke then you should really work on it. It was awful. I freaked out because you took too much time to search for a source of water, even if you needed to pee, you know? And then again.. wait.." Her eyes narrows at his wrist and his face immediately loses its color. She's staring at his wrist, that got a small cut from that guy's digging nails and is bleeding.
"What is that? Oh my God, is that blood? What happened outside?" She asks worriedly as her eyes scan his whole body.

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