Chapter : 63

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The Entire Control.

Vasudha's eyes remain trained outside as she keeps standing at the huge veranda, while her friends get ready. The morning sun looks back at her, all bright and powerful. She takes in a deep breath. As she turns around the door to her room opens and in comes Abhirup. He stands at the door as if waiting for her to ask something, when he remembers how Vasudha told him to come straight into the veranda, which she thoroughly checked. She is just acting extra cautious for some reason that Abhirup is yet to understand. However when he enters the veranda she still keeps looking at him expectantly and he finally opens his mouth,

"A very reasonable and trustworthy one, the excuse I mean. All five of our luggage is still left at the hotel we were staying at, so it's as valid as it can be. I told him that you need some fresh air and we need to get back our luggage. We are eventually leaving this city within this week. However, he seemed kinda hesitant at first but he can't force us to stay inside just because he wants to, can he?" Abhirup asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"On the contrary, he can. But the question is that why didn't he? Now, when will a person as powerful as him can let us do whatever we want this freely? When he has his men trailing behind us without our knowledge. But one thing is clear that he or his men can't do anything when we are inside the hotel rooms. Did you contact Nihal?" Vasudha asks.

"I did. And trust me I had the same thoughts like you. And that's why I told him to wait beside room number 101, which is my room, prior to our arrival. He has every details, he already knows the hotel owner, so it won't be a problem for him. But he doesn't want to take the keys on behalf of me because just like me he thinks it will arise suspicions amongst the staff. So he will be hiding somewhere nearby." He explains.

"Nicely done. So we need to hurry up now. What time did you ask him to be there by?" She asks moving towards the door.

"By 3pm, he might need to wait for us for an hour or so. See, I had to do this. If he reaches at the same time as us, that might lead to trouble." He adds.

"Fine, let's go down to the dinning hall. We can't let Ekansh get suspicious." Saying so Vasudha gets out of the room followed by Abhirup.


"Where were you the whole night D'? You didn't receive our calls, you didn't eat a thing. Look at yourself. You're a mess.What is wrong with you?" Maya hurries towards Danuj the moment she sees him entering. Danuj, ignoring her, looks straight ahead at the two men, Ojas standing beside the sofa and Nihal standing against the wall right beside the window. He sees the pain Nihal's eyes reflect looking at his situation but the calm and collected Danuj is long gone. He doesn't even recognize this new person himself. He doesn't recognize the emotions. Everything is simply jumbled up. Then he sees a drop of tear spilling out of his eyes, Nihal, his best buddy, his brother.

He slowly strolls towards him when Maya holds his wrist from behind.

"D', please calm down. He has done a mistake. He will get her back. If he can't I'll get her.." She fails to complete her sentence as he harshly yanks his hand out of her grip. Eyes fixed on Nihal. Maya flinches at the sudden reaction but steps back understanding the situation.

He walks closer to Nihal and stands infront of him. Nihal hangs his head down as more drop of tears trail down his cheeks.

"Remember when you used to ask me why I don't try to get into any relationship? Why don't I feel anything for anyone? Have I become that much of a monster? You kept telling that because I never tried to get close to a woman I never got to feel these things. I am afraid that my inexperience will ruin things? Well you were right at many parts apart from that one single part where you asked why I don't feel anything for anyone?" Danuj says as Nihal looks up at him, Maya looks utterly confused but Ojas holds that expressionless face.

"I hope someone here knows it quite well. Don't you Ojas?" Danuj asks, not looking at him but keeping his eyes fixed on Nihal and Ojas's face immediately shows the only emotion he could manage: shame. He hangs his head down, ashamed.

"Yes, I never felt anything for anyone because once upon a time, when I was just like every other male of my age I felt.... f-felt something for someone. Felt something for a girl who was nothing but a total stranger to me. She was brave, confident, courageous and utterly beautiful. But you know what? I never got a second chance to see her, I never got to hear her beautiful voice until a few months back. I think someone up there hates me way more than the entire group of my enemies,  a sick plan to break me from within. If not, then why would I get to see the one girl I have ever felt something for after so many years, after I forcefully closed each and every door that led to emotions that can weaken me?

I forced her out of mind convincing myself that she should not be a part of my life, she is not that important, there are more important things for me to do. My ruined life has no space for these kind of emotions. And then you guys drag her into my life. I never wanted to come to Kolkata, I was frightened, I was scared that those small happy moments might make me search for her once again. And you know what happened?" He looks at Maya, who looks shocked to the very core.

"You simply sent me a video of the person I once saw as a school going girl, who might I add, has now turned into a grown up woman, braver, more confident, more courageous and more beautiful, inside out. I knew I was screwed the moment I saw her, but I kept acting like I am not. I can never be. I am some invincible shit.

Look where it got me? Look where you all got me?" He asks looking at Nihal once again.

"I am the same man who once thought Vasudha Roy isn't a very important part of my life, the same man who kept convincing himself that 'you saw her once, you'll forget her, it's easy'. Well here I am, all destroyed, broken, lost. You know why? Because I want her back, because if I don't get her back, my life would be as meaningless and horrible as a nightmare.

So I refuse to live without her, I refuse to breathe when she will be out there, spending her life with someone else. You hear me?! I refuse to to have this meaningless life, I won't live without her.

Either she is mine for as long as I live or I won't live." He completes, panting. Nihal widens his eyes as the other two reflects the same expression. All of them heard it, the truth, the sincerity in his words. He meant what he said.

"Dan.. I.. don't be so hard on yourself. Don't. I did wrong. I was wrong and I'll correct it as soon as possible. Just bear with me for a little longer. I am begging you." Nihal whispers. Danuj keeps looking at the floor, his grey eyes frenzied. He looks up at him and leaves without looking at him or anyone else.

"I..I'll send your food upstairs?" Maya asks cautiously.

"No. I have no appetite." He answers and takes the stairs.

"This can't go on sir. We need her back. Are you meeting her today?" Ojas asks Nihal.

"Hopefully, if everything goes as planned. Maya, I'll be needing you there. You and Ojas know about Dan as much as I do." Then his eyes fall on Ojas and he adds,

"Perhaps even more than I do. However,  you are coming with me. Fix a meeting with a random someone at The Ice Orchid. They were staying there, we'll meet them today, together." Nihal says and Maya nods without any hesitation.

"And Ojas, you have to be prepared outside, incase anything goes wrong or you see anything suspicious, give a call to Rajesh and me as well." Nihal says.

"Why can't we just bring her back home today? Why can't we let him survive? Why can't we give him the slightest amount happiness he could've ever got?" Ojas asks, sounding desperate.

"Because it's her decision to choose which one will be her home. And also, she deserves a chance, it's about her brother Ojas. You should know that we are doing everything for Dan only. I trust Vasudha. You have to trust her too.  After all she is the only person who holds the entire control over this giant of a man, could you not see how much the existence of Dan's whole being depends on her? She has to be extraordinary Ojas, she has to be." Nihal responds, to which Ojas takes a deep breath and sighs.


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Love, Puja. 😇

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