Chapter 17: Vile Creature.

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"You asked Ojas to bring that girl here? Why on earth would you do that?!" Nihal's loud voice resonates through the study room.

"Yes. I have my reasons." Danuj replies turning the pages in the file placed infront of him.

"Stop it Dan! You know you can't do this. That girl, she is smart. She will obviously use this chance to ruin you. Haven't you seen how audacious she was?" Nihal says.

"When I say I have my reasons, be rest assured that everything will remain under my control. And also, I know she's smart, I am observing her longer than you." He explains.

"And how are you gonna control this?" Nihal asks.

"You'll get to see when the time comes. For now, leave me alone." He answers and focuses on his works, leaving a worried Nihal hanging mid-air.


"Her live location ended at this point." Zoya says.

"At least she could share it. I was worried they won't let her." Abhirup responds.

"I still don't understand why did you let her go there. Why did she take such a rash decision? Couldn't she wait for me to arrive? Hell, why couldn't I receive the call?!" Derek shouts at himself.

"Derek, she has been handling everything on her own from the beginning. You have to trust her. When she decided to go, she might have assumed something. And also, she's quite capable of handling difficult situations. You just have to wait, that's it." Zoya says confidently.


"Boss, I have brought her. But it might take another ten to fifteen minutes for her to come back to her senses." Ojas states.

Danuj straightens his back. His hand pauses at the page he was about to turn. He clears his throat then asks,

"Where is she?"

"She is still inside the car boss. Had to use that trick otherwise it would've been impossible to keep your location a secret. It was just a few sprays, she should be waking up anytime now."  Ojas said.

"Keep her cell phone to you till the time she's here and bring her inside when she wakes up." He says and goes back to his work.


"Where is my cell phone?! Give that back to me!" Vasudha shouts at Ojas.

"Ma'am, I can only return your phone when you'll reach back to your home. It's safe with me." Ojas assures her.

"Are you serious? And I thought you looked less abnormal than the others. I need to inform my friends that I have reached. They'll be worrying." She says.

"I believe they were following the live location you shared with them ma'am. So they will obviously think you've reached that point." Ojas says.

"What do you mean by that point? You turned my phone off didn't you?" She asks accusingly.

"My apologies ma'am." Ojas hangs his head.

"Get rid of this fake politeness. Impossible! Lead me to wherever that nutcase of a man wants to murder me or bury me alive perhaps." She says while slowly walking ahead.

Ojas smiles as at her statement and says,
"I am certain that none of those will happen ma'am. You may follow me."

"May? Do I have a chance to not do that? Just tell me." She gives a curt smile and starts following him.


The mansion is huge, but it doesn't surprise her, she did expect something like that. "Robbing innocent people should do at least this much good," she tells herself.

Ojas rings the door bell and as if immediately the door gets opened by the same guy she saw back at Ashroy. He was standing right beside Danuj D'. "Are they brothers?" She thinks to herself.

"Good evening sir." Ojas says.

"Evening Ojas. You're already here with our guest I see." Nihal smiles at her, then says, "Welcome Ms. Roy."

"Sorry, but I am not intrested in any introductions at all. I have come here for an important discussion so it would be better if you tell me where to find Mr. D'." She says.

"As expected. Take her upstairs, to his study room. It was nice talking to you Mr. Roy." Nihal says again.

"I must say, it is a torture talking to any one of you at all. Thank you." She says and gets inside the house. Nihal can only raise his eyebrows in astonishment.

She gets inside but what surprises her is the very minimally decorated interior. No photos, no paintings, no flowers vases, no show pieces no expensive artwork. As far as she knows rich people like showing off their wealth by wasting money on things which they don't even have any idea of. But this house looks more like a house for basic survival only. Weird.

She follows Ojas and takes the staircase that begins from the right end corner of the huge seating area. This house itself can settle every member of Ashroy quite easily.

The first floor is all quiet and considering the hugeness of it even a simple heavy breathing will echo through the empty corridor.

Ojas stops infront of one of the dark wooden doors and knocks on it twice.

"Come in, Ojas." Danuj's deep hoarse voice booms from inside.

Ojas looks at Vasudha and indicates her to follow him. She does.

"Boss, she is here." Ojas says standing outside the room.

"Send her inside and you leave for now." His voice says again.

Ojas simply nods and gestures her to get inside. As she immediately does so, the door closes behind her.

The very moment her eyes fall on the same scarred face and grey eyes, the anger inside her starts struggling to come out. He is sitting on a revolving chair behind the huge maple wood table. The whole room has nothing but bookshelves, some leather sofas against the walls, two huge windows which are covered with heavy curtains and that table.

They keep on looking at each other for a few seconds until she starts,

"Why am I here?" She asks directly, to which he sits straightening his back and looks at her face intensely.

"Before we start with that, come, have a seat." He gestures towards the chair opposite to his.

"I am not here to sit. I want to know a simple thing, are you really willing to discuss about Ashroy or not. If no, then I would rather leave." She says.

He crosses both of his arms over his chest, tilts his head and looks at her with sheer curiosity.

"I am afraid but you'll possibly be sitting on every chair of this mansion very soon Ms. Roy." He says confidently.

"What does that mean Mr. D'?" She asks keeping her calm.

"As I said, have a seat first and we'll discuss about it." He said.

She, hiding every possible irritation, walks towards the chair and takes the seat.

"Here, I think you should read this. We'll get back to your opinion afterwards." He says again, placing a set of court papers infront of her.

"What are these court papers? Why do I need to read this?" She asks feeling uneasy all of a sudden.

"It can prove beneficiary for the inhabitants of Ashroy. That's why you should read it." He says, bringing out his cigarette case from his pocket.

It takes some fifteen minutes for her to complete reading it and when she raises her head, her eyes have teared up to an unusual extent, her breathing has become uneven. The only things she manage to utter are,

"You inhuman.. vile creature!"


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Love, Puja.🍁

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