Chapter : 78

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I Need You.

It's a feeling, a feeling that she's close by. An urge to see her safe and unharmed. A frenzy to hurt every single person who might have hurt her, or worst touched her. That's what makes his movements so smooth as he attacks the trained, uniformed guards like they don't even exist. Ojas fights side by side, but he knows today's Danuj D' is incomparable, because he doesn't even acknowledge the pool of men surrounding them. His face is stout, focused and furious, his jaw clenched, his eyebrows furrowed, his muscles tensed. He is burning from within.

The more Ekansh's men hovers over him the more he finds relief, for he knows the more men down the easier it becomes. His hands move rhythmically, flipping some, throwing some, punching some, kicking some and breaking all. His mask has fallen somewhere between the fights. The sound of bullets draw his concentration to his right. A man, too tall and bulky for his own good felt it was right to fire at him from afar. But he isn't ready to take it that way, so within a blink of an eye he tackles few of the men to the ground, crosses their fallen bodies like a professional hurdler,  reaching the bulky man within a millisecond and bending his hand behind his back, the one that was holding the gun, while kicking him on his lower back. The man falls to the ground face first. Surprisingly the man stopped firing at him the moment he turned to look at his face. But he is out of his mind now, he is finding it impossible to show mercy to anyone at that time. The moment his fist met with the man's jaw, the man looked at him, not with fear, but with shock and perhaps respect.

"D-Devansh Sachdev, you're Devansh Sachdev, aren't you? You're alive, you're alive sir! Kedar's father was right." The man shouts hopefully, making him check his face immediately. His mask has fallen, he has exposed himself. He looks at the man and that's when he takes the decision. The decision to accept his true identity.

"Yes, once upon a time I was Devansh Sachdev, but now I am Danuj, Danuj D'." He says standing up, his face expressionless.

"If you're alive, then why don't you take over what's rightfully yours sir. We, all of us will be happy, will be at peace for once. This man is crazy. He has made our lives nothing but a living hell. He's ruining us and our families every day. I beg you sir. Come back." The man pleads. To this Danuj turns around to look at the man, looking at him curiously.

"Don't you work for him willingly?" He asks.

"No sir, most of us don't. He threatens, he threatens to murder our kids, to kill our family members, to destroy us from the very core. He has done so to many of us. H-his men murdered my wife because I failed to keep up my end of a deal. " The man says with teary eyes. Danuj immediately clenches his eyes, as if he could see the incident taking place right infront of his eyes. It took him a few seconds to recover but then he looked at the man.

"You said there are others like you. Fine then, if you can successfully convince them, then go and make them agree with you. Leave this place as soon as possible. If you can do that and if I survive this fight, you all are welcome to join me. But today I have a bigger war to deal with. Now tell me where is Vasudha?" He asks. The man looks at him as if he still can't believe his own eyes.

"That way sir, inside the under constuction museum." Nodding in approval and giving him one last glance Danuj runs forward.

The revolving chair is giving her a hard time but she had to do something atleast. And she did. She dragged the bed beside the wall where the window is set. Then she very slowly dragged the unusually heavy wooden table. It took every bit of her energy to lift up the table on the bed, but she eventually did that as well. She placed the revolving chair on top of it, which keeps slipping everytime she tries to stand. But she knows that she has to. Her stomach pains like hell, due the strong kick by Ekansh, she knows her lips are busted as well, she can taste the blood there. And about her cheeks, the slaps were awfully hard.  But what satisfies her is how she returned everything he gave her.

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