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Three years later.

"This is impossible Nihal, you can't really wear this?! This sherwani is PINK in color, if you haven't noticed earlier!" Zoya shouts on the extremely happy man standing infront of the mirror.

"What's wrong with pink? This is pretty, unlike your holy mouth." Nihal snaps back placing the poor pink sherwani back on the sofa.

"You want to wear that? Fine wear it but then don't stand there looking like the upset kid that you are when everyone makes fun of you!" She snaps crossing her arms over her chest.

"My goodness! Get married already." Ojas says typing away something in his phone while looking tired of their neverending banter going on infront of him.

"Yes, please." Derek agrees coming out of the bathroom, rubbing his wet head with a towel.

Zoya's eyes widen and see sheepishly looks at Nihal, who, she finds, already looking at her with a mischievous smile, but she composes herself immediately displaying a sarcastic smile.
"What makes both of you think I can ever consider this shithead? And what the hell are you guys doing in his room?" Zoya asks looking at Derek.

"Just whatever you are doing sweetheart, which precisely means 'occupying'." He says as he hangs the towel.

The door to the room bursts open, as a very well dressed Mihir gets inside.

"Hurry up guys, Ganika is hyperventilating as usual and I don't want her getting nervous in this situation." He utters.

"Calm down man, you look more nervous than her." Derek says while giving some last minute touches to his hair.

"He is the father to be, what do you expect?" Nihal asks.

"Fine, I am going to her, Ojas and Mihir, please bring these two assholes with you." With that Zoya leaves the room.


"Put the blue and yellow ones at the front, I can't believe you messed this up. I have said very clearly about every bit of decorations, didn't I? Are you even professionals?" Maya shouts looking beautiful and busy as always in her golden lehenga.

"They are baby. Everything is done, you've been just perfect with everything, trust me." Abhirup says standing right beside her while wrapping his hands around her waist.

"You keep saying that." Maya says rolling her eyes.

"Because that's the truth, you are just snobbishly perfect!" He says stifling a laugh.

"Wow, what a compliment." Maya responds slapping his shoulder. He fails to control and laughs out loud, as he pulls her by her waist close to his chest, then slowly places a kiss on her forehead.

"You look beautiful, my pretty, haughty girlfriend. Be careful and stay away from men, because I know they would approach you and I don't want them leave the ceremony like some scared cat, you know. Because your words certainly slice people's hearts into two." He says chuckling.

"Wow, I am reconsidering my choice Abhi. Remind me, why did I like you again?" Maya asks shaking her head while smiling.


"Raghu chacha, I am totally fine. Please don't worry yourself." Ganika asks the old man who keeps bringing this and that to her. Apparently he has been given the responsibility to look after her and he has gone paranoid since.

"You told Mihir baba that you wanted to drink fresh fruit juice. I heard you sweetheart. It's no big deal. I brought two glasses for both you and Abhay baba. Please drink it up." He says placing the glass in her hand.

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