Chapter : 82

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It's an uncanny feeling when your brain is awake for more than an hour but you can't really wake up. Vasudha was fighting against it for so long that now, even her subconscious mind feels tired. It urges her to stop trying and she was just about to give up when she heard him, heard the voice of the only man she loved in a way she has never loved anyone before. Danuj.

Something is happening outside, a commotion. This guy must be punching the life out of someone. She fails to register all the words but she hears a few like "ruin you", "can't stop me", "let me see her" and....then she hears him screaming "Sudha". He is calling her, he is calling her with so much pain, so much affection that all she wants right now is to see him for once, but her body is fighting against her will. She wants an opportunity, a one time opportunity to tell him, to tell him that she loves him, that she always did but the difficulty only increases.

If only they could have met in different circumstances, if only she would have chosen him over everything else, but she couldn't, she can't. Does that change anything? No. Because she knows by now he has become the topmost priority of her life, the man who only wanted her to love him, received nothing in return but sheer pain and innumerable lies. She gave him nothing, although she wanted to, she still wants to. But time is running and she has to fight, she has to fight like always.


It has been two days since he had that fight with the doctor and the security guards. He could've killed them then and there but Nihal and Ojas didn't let him. They kept pulling him back the moment they saw him losing control. He saw her. He saw her lying there on the white, colorless bed. She looked pale, her head was covered with a green colored surgical head cover. Most of her face was guarded by the oxygen mask, multiple wires were connected to various parts of her body. She was barely breathing. The more he looked at her the more he felt numb, all fight, all energy slowly left his body. The world around him blurred and he didn't even realize when Nihal and Ojas pulled him back to the couch.

Today he is sitting on the same couch, just like the other days it has been hours without him even moving a finger. Then he remembers the strangers who were crying that day, looking at the dead body lying on the stretcher infront of them. A young boy, too young to be dead was lying there, lifeless. When he heard the cries earlier that day he couldn't process anything but then he found this young lifeless guy lying on this stretcher. He knew he shouldn't but his body relaxed at the sight. Because that's what life is, it makes us selfish when it comes to our close ones. He heard some of them mumbling how the bike accident was predestined. They were saying "it's all fate, nobody can change it."

Right now sitting at this lonely couch, he believes them but he also believes that he knows his fate. His road is made, one where she is physically there, right beside him, loving him, caring for him, kissing him and growing old with him and the other where they both are together, somewhere else, somewhere far away from this chaos, this bloodshed, in a parallel universe perhaps. The choice is made, he will get her either way.


4.30 A.M. It's 4.30 A.M. in the morning. The doctors, the nurses none of them  answered anything positive. Nihal knows they tried but the sensible part in him is slowly dying, because he also knows the consequences in his mind. Any action, any word won't be enough to explain the guilt he is bearing inside his heart. He made this happen. He used Vasudha, the girl who gave her the place of a brother, the girl that grew on him, the girl he considers a part of his defected family, he selfishly threw her into this dangerous situation. If she dies, he has no right to survive. Even that won't be enough. But right now he needs to be strong because his brother is slowly losing his lifeline, his love, his one time chance on becoming a good human being once again and mostly.... his sanity.

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