Chapter : 48

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He doesn't know what she meant when she agreed to never leave him. He doesn't know what she meant when she hugged him. He doesn't know why she accepted his lips on hers. The only thing he knows is that after today no power in this world can seize her away from him. And if anyone is fool enough to dare then he will be happy to show them his true self. He knows he won't stop, not until his whole body gets covered in their blood, not until their bodies are drained of life.

He restrained himself for a long time, hiding his true identity from her. Who would've thought that the tiny girl from so many years ago could come back to his life, a life full of darkness. Who would've known that small girl would grow into an even stronger and prettier woman. A woman who can keep him wrapped around her fingers. He remembers how he promised his father to make her his one day, and his father was so eager to meet her in person. If only he could see her now, he would have been proud of her, just the way he is.

Danuj keeps standing beside the window, observing her moving from one wall to another with the decorations. Hurrying to get them done before the arrival of Nihal. What surprised him initially was how she was able to convince Maya to be a part of it. She went to have lunch with Nihal, there was no change in her plans but the very moment she came back she joined Vasudha in the decorations. He sees how she takes care of the decorations, while Vasudha concentrates on her cooking. There is an unspoken peace treaty that has been signed in secrecy.

They don't really talk to each other much, but the way they are managing everything one would definitely misunderstand them as friends. He sees how Vasudha brings the foods and places them on the table one by one. After she is done she joins Maya silently and starts decorating the table with scented candles. She changed her clothes into a full sleeve light blue cotton dress. For some reasons he is finding it difficult to take his eyes off her. She is everything he expected her to be, if not more. Her light wet hair, her tiny stud earrings make her look intolerably simple and way too appealing, she is a different beauty. A beauty that gets masked if you put on too much make up and all. It doesn't suit her. She is naturally refreshing.

He doesn't realize when he brings out a cigarette and puts that in his mouth. The very moment he attempts to bring the lighter close to it, a hand yanks the cigarette out of his mouth. He immediately snaps his head feeling enraged. The very moment his eyes fall on the warm light brown eyes he bites on his lower lip, and stares at her like a deer caught in headlights.

"How many?" Vasudha asks crossing her arms over her chest.

"Umm.. seventh I guess." His deep voice utters.

"Two." She says.

"Two what?" He asks feeling confused.

"Twice every day, that's it." She says throwing the cigarette inside the dustbin.

"That's insane Sudha! I-I can't!" He responds.

"We'll see about that later on. And we are starting from today, okay?" She asks.

"What!? No! I won't survive a day. It's unfair." He whines.

"Fine then." Saying that she shoves her hand inside his pocket and brings out the cigarette case.

"What are you doing?" He asks feeling utterly confused. Vasudha brings out a cigarette from the box and extends it towards him.
"I want you to survive, no matter what. Have it." She says. His eyes flicker between the cigarette and her eyes for a few seconds before he urgently grabs the box and the cigarette from her hand. Then placing it inside the case he shoves it inside his pocket once again.

"Two. That's it then." He whispers more to himself than to her. Vasudha's face breaks into a satisfied smile as she turns around and starts on the finishing touch.

Nihal stands at door for eternity. Whatever he is seeing inside the mansion is giving him goosebumps. The hall is decorated with multiple lights of multiple colors, one particular wall is covered in silver balloons, yellow lights are peaking from amongst them, a huge "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" hangs from them. His trance breaks as two beautiful woman comes out shouting happy birthday to him. His eyes fall on the two woman, one who has been his precious sister and one who has become his precious sister. The fact that the two ladies look at each other without any hostility in their eyes makes him proud. He doesn't even realize when his eyes tear up and he opens his arms gesturing both of them to come to him. Without waiting they run into his embrace wrapping their arms around him from both the sides.

As the tears freely trail down his cheeks his eyes fall on the man with a scarred face. He has a huge grin plastered on his face as he mouths a "happy birthday". Nihal looks at his eyes and he seems happy. Happy, for the first time in so many years.

"What a pleasant surprise. Thank you pretty ladies." Nihal utters as he frees himself from their embrace.

"Now get freshened up and come to the table before the foods get cold. She made them herself." The moment Maya says the last part Nihal fails to control himself as he hugs her once again.

"Thank you for giving me my sweet sister back. I missed you so much Maya." He says.

"I missed you too bro." Maya says. Freeing herself from his embrace she moves towards the kitchen.

"And you Vasudha, I have no words to thank you enough. You have no idea about what you have done today. You know our lives are nowhere close to normal. But having you within us makes us feel normal. Makes this mansion feel like a home. I am glad to have you as a sister. Trust me." He says placing his hand on her head. A pain strong enough to choke her from inside consumes her senses. She almost forcefully utters a "thank you" as a tiny moment flashes before her eyes.

She takes another spoon of soup and brings it to her brother's mouth. The fever is so strong that he hardly manages to sit up.

"I wasted everything, didn't I? All that you cooked? Why can't you allow me eat those?" Abhay whines.

"Because they are super spicy. I'll cook the same dishes again once you recover, okay? Now open your mouth, dada." She orders.

Abhay places his hand on her head as he says,
"What will I do without you Sudha?"

"You won't survive a day, I bet." She says shoving the spoon inside his mouth punching him lightly on his arm.

That birthday he couldn't eat what she cooked and she couldn't eat because when her brother failed to eat on his own birthday she knew she wouldn't be able to eat it.

Now when she thinks about that night she desperately wants to take back her words, she wants him to survive, she wants him to be healthy, she wants him to be safe. A small tear escapes her eyes but she very smoothly ducks her head down and motions towards the kitchen.

Nihal stands there, he didn't miss it, the tear from her eyes. What made her cry? Above all, why does she love them? What did they give her other than pain and betrayal? She has been tricked. Dragged into a life she never deserved. What did he do for her? Does he even deserve to be her brother? He thinks to himself. As his eyes fall on Danuj, strolling towards her. He keeps looking at her intently, a glint he has seen him hiding for so many days is shining openly for the first time. He sees how Vasudha keeps setting the plates and Danuj keeps looking at her, keeping the bare possessive glint intact. This glint has never occurred before. He never got attached to anyone or anything like this for the last ten years. He knew Danuj cared for Vasudha beyond his understanding, he knew he would go to any lengths to keep her to himself and now as he looks at him he fears about what might happen if he ever gets separated from her.

The signs didn't show for so many years, he didn't have any reason to get anxious. It has been his job to make people anxious for as long as he can remember. Nihal doesn't want it to occur once again. He doesn't want Danuj's separation anxiety to overpower his sanity once again.


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Yes, yes, I know this one took time. I fell sick. So sorry for the late uptade loves. Please bare with me.

Love, Puja. 💜

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