Chapter : 57

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With Everything.

Bright sunlight is peaking through the mountains and falling beautifully on the green paddy fields. The long black hair flies everywhere due to the comfortable breeze. Wearing a white sundress with small sunflowers on it, she is running through the fields. He can smell her from afar. She has this refreshing mountain like smell. Natural, pure. He fails to control himself and runs behind her. He wants to see her face. It feels like ages he has seen her bright eyes, her heart warming smile. He wants her to touch him with those soft fingers. He wants, no, he craves to feel the warmth of her embrace. He is getting closer, reaching her inch by inch when she finally turns around with that bright smile. Her hair is still flying everywhere. She opens her arms and gestures for him to run into her embrace. And he does the same like an obedient man.

The closer he gets the more her smile fades and then he sees it, her eyes, filled with tears. A pang of guilt erupts inside him. His whole body aches.

"Why did you do this? I asked you so many times. You lied. You hid him, you hid my brother away from me. Why? Why would I love you when you're always so cruel, so selfish. I will not. You deserve this life. That's why everyone left you. You're a failure and nothing else." She utters. Her words sound as if she is talking from underwater.

"No.... no! Don't do this. I'll change. I'll do everything you want me to do. Just don't leave me alone. You promised." But she remains silent and it scares him.

"You're everything to me, I'll die. Trust me. I can't breathe, without you. I.... I can't...." The light slowly starts deeming and her image starts fading away.

"No! Stay. Stay with me Sudha. No.. don't leave me like this. Don't leave me.. please....
I love you. I can't survive without you. See.. I can't.... I can't....

"Will you please hurry up?! I am scared. What's happening to him? He has never acted like this, not even when he got betrayed by his most beloved brother. What's so special in that girl?" Maya stands at the door of Vasudha's room, crying her eyes out as her brother runs into the room. Yes, he asked Ojas to place him on Vasudha's bed. He knew that would help him to some extent. But to find the huge man striving to breathe all over again is breaking his heart. He didn't feel this pain even when he pulled that bullet out of his arm, but this is plain torture for both him and Ojas. He knows about his anxiety but he couldn't dream anything like what he's seeing infront of his eyes now. Neither does Ojas.

The man who is struggling to breathe doesn't stop blabbering broken words. Most of which are like:

"Don't leave me."


"Come to me."

"I can't breathe."

As if his subconscious is going through the same hell.

But what takes all of them off guard is the most unlikely words uttered by this heartless man, as he keeps on repeating it.

"I - I love you, S-Sudha" He utters once again.

Maya's eyes widen, as she palms her mouth. The sob escapes breaking all the barriers.

Ojas stands at the door like a wooden statue, who has witnessed everything from the beginning. Now witnessing the pathetic fate of his boss.

Who says money and fame is everything? Seems like this man needs nothing other than that one woman. What witchcraft is this?

And Nihal, the man who is seeing his brother suffering like this, knowing he is the major reason behind it, falls beside him on his knees. Tears trailing down his cheeks.

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