Chapter 5: See you soon?

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"Are you sure he said he is coming today Ojas?" Asks Maya

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"Are you sure he said he is coming today Ojas?" Asks Maya. Both of them are sitting on the plush sofa which is situated in the huge living room of the manor.

"I have never seen him joking around in my whole service life ma'am. He sounded totally serious. Let's wait for a few more hours. We have already kept everything ready for him." Says Ojas. But Maya seems to loose her patience with every passing minute.

"I think we should hire a few servants inside.." Maya starts but her words get interrupted as Ojas vigorously shakes his head into a "no" and says, "Never, he doesn't allow any servants inside. He prefers to stay alone and do everything on his own ma'am. And also he doesn't want anyone to see him. The securities who are at guard outside are enough." Ojas adds and as if on cue the sound of the gate opening reaches their ears along with the sound of a car engine. They both stand up and move towards the door to open it. They see an expensive car getting inside the garage and out comes the devil.

His height, his neatly managed and back brushed hair screams perfection. His piercing grey eyes keep on looking at the watch. He finally lifts his face and starts moving, justifying his intimidating aura with every step he takes.

He directly looks at Maya's face first and gets the familiar welcome, just the usual one, where she tries her level best to smile at him but her eyes fail to hide the discomfort she is facing while looking at the ugly scar. He only nods back at her. He prefers Ojas better, he is smarter. He knows he won't be able to hide the discomfort so he keeps talking to him looking at his chest.

"Everything is settled boss. For today we have ordered food from outside considering that it might be hectic for you. From tomorrow everything will be as usual." Says Ojas. He never fails to impress him. Probably because he has been around him for years now, not that Maya was not, but she always stayed away due to business and everything.

"Nice Ojas." He praises and gets inside the manor.

"What about the situation in hand D' ? How do you plan to solve it?" Asks Maya. She is all about business, which is why she is still with him. The more emotionless people will act around him the more he will feel at ease.

"We'll talk about that tomorrow. You both may leave now." He adds and they, without wasting a second, leaves.


"I don't know. That was a very brave and also risky move Sudha. If they do anything to you or your father at all none of us will get the confidence or power to fight back against them. You have to be more careful next time." Derek says. He is on the driver's seat of his car which is heading towards Vasudha's place.

"I didn't do that intentionally Derek, that just happened. Seeing them there, talking about the whole thing so pathetically as if they had nothing to do with it made me angry. Think about the kids, think about the elders for once. Just a few months back everything was fine. We were living a happy and peaceful life. Why would someone do that to some helpless people? Don't they have plenty of wealth already?" Vasudha says. Her face displays her immense tiredness. By now she has pulled her hair into a messy bun. There are dark circles surrounding her eyes.

"Leave it now. You are doing a lot already. Go inside and get some food into your stomach. Because if you fall sick we'll eventually lose the whole battle." Derek adds giving her a small smile while stopping the car infront of her house.

She gets down and shuts the door. Lowering her head to the window level she says, " Please don't let Zoya know about the conversation with Maya. She tends to freak out. And also I hope my scooty will be ready to fly by tomorrow.  So you might not need to drop me like this every day." She smiles at Derek who smiles back at her and says, "Trust me, it was a pleasure to drop you everyday", to this she smiles again and moves towards the door.

Since they started the protest she got very small time to spend with her father. She needs to do something about that, thinking about it she gets into her house and turns the lights on. It is already 12 AM, she knows by this time her father should be asleep. She places her bag on the sofa in her dining room and moves towards the bathroom to finally take a shower when her eyes fall on the aged man who is placing plates on the table.

"What?! Why aren't you asleep already? Don't tell me you didn't eat too." She says with a slight strictness in her voice.

"I couldn't sleep. I wanted to have tonight's dinner together. And you know what .. I cooked." He says smiling wholeheartedly at her.

To this Vasudha shakes her head hopelessly and gets inside the bathroom saying, "it better be tasty old man otherwise you'll be attending cooking classes from tomorrow."

"That's not fair Sudha!" She hears her father whimpering. She smiles and starts getting rid of her sweaty clothes.

"It's a shame that you'll be watching this in highlights Mr

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"It's a shame that you'll be watching this in highlights Mr. D'. I really hope that one day you become brave enough to face the challenges the world outside has to offer. It's a pity that you don't have the guts to do so. However, thank you, I think I've wasted enough time here."

Sitting on his bed, he keeps on rewinding this part and calmly listening to her words closing his eyes. Finally he opens them and faces her picture. Her light brown eyes staring back at his grey eyes.

"Vasudha -- Roy..." His deep voice begins.

"You are way too young to be getting into my bad book Vasudha. But unfortunately your confidence needs to be broken." Saying so he brings his phone and dials a number.

"I am sending a picture. Be careful. She should not be hurt. Hurt everyone around her, infront of her. Everything should be destroyed. She should see and feel helpless. Spare nothing, spare nobody."  He says as calmly as possible.

"Yes boss." Says the person from the other end.

"Once again, SHE-SHOULD-NOT- BE- HURT. Am I  being clear?" He adds.

To which the person gives his confirmation and he disconnects the call.

"So I guess.. see you soon.. Vasudha?" He says to himself.

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