Chapter : 51

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Once A King Always A King.

Vasudha looks infront of her with sheer bewilderment. The first hall is filled with a huge amount of middle aged to old people, who not only look underprivileged but needy as well. They are being served with foods as they sit beside each other and eat happily. Multiple rows of tables and chairs are placed one after another, she gets to see the beginning but she fails to make out the end of it. What takes her by surprise is the child from the last day, Shyam. He stands beside one of the men who is serving food to the people and seems like one of the experienced guys who has been given the responsibility to train him about his works. Shyam's clothes are changed to a clean pair of yellow t-shirt and a blue jeans. He looks clean and nourished and also very happy.

"What's happening?" She asks herself. She walks towards the next hall, that's filled with kids who are being trained on something. The room consists at least three hundred children around the age of fourteen to sixteen. At the very front of the rows, infront of the numerous desks, stands a man who looks like a teacher who is teaching them, while referring to something from his digital presentation.

"What's going on here?" She finally asks. Nihal gives her a knowing smile.

"Right now they are being trained on various engines and motor parts. They have multiple classes on multiple subjects." Nihal answers.

"So, is it like a tuition center or something?" She asks turning to look at him.

"Close but no, they only learn things that can help them do something on their own. They can join The D' Imperium after they are properly  trained or one of them might build something for himself outside our company, there is no barrier. They get to learn things that will help them earn and live a life respectfully. But most of them choose to stay with us at the end. We work on bringing out a sense of loyalty that is already existing deep inside them. We work to earn their trust. They are deprived Vasudha, deprived of a decent life, a better future, a family. They have seen hardship from the very day they were born, we tend to give them a comfortable life. That's it." Nihal explains. This makes her look back to the children once again, there are boys and girls and all of them do look comfortable.

"But how? They don't even know Danuj. Why would they trust him?" She asks, astonishment visible in her voice.

"Vasudha, these people here are those who wake up with uncertainty every day. Uncertainty about money, food, clothing, everything. The mothers don't know if their kids will get to eat anything throughout the day. Most of the days they starve only because they feed their food to their children. Do you really think trust would be an issue here? There are fifty buses standing outside the building. The buses wait at some particular points with a small paper pasted in the front : "Free Food. Free clothes. " We never needed to tell them where to come, but they came, without even knowing where the bus is taking them. And trust me the buses came back packed up every single day. That's when Danuj decided to increase the buses from fifteen to fifty. They are some true needy people if they do not think twice before getting into the buses, don't you think? But you cannot stop rumors, they spread faster than anything and somehow with time these people accepted the rumors to be true. They happily absorbed the fact that their provider is none other than Danuj D' himself. Although if you ask them they won't utter a single word. To them he is their savior, he is their God. They respect him more than their life. The funny thing is none of them knows who he is or how does he look like. To be honest, they don't even need that." Nihal says releasing a satisfied breath.

"If this is what he does for these people, then why could he not do the same for my people? What made them different?" She asks, her voice breaking.

"Pattanayak. The previous owner." He answers.

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