Chapter : 24

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Stay here.

"The amount of stress she is digesting for the last few months, resulted into this." Nihal says pursing his lips. Danuj is sitting on his usual chair keeping his eyes closed as his head rests backwards. His hands are crossed over his chest.

"Why are you telling me this?" His deep voice asks.

"Just to let you know. You seemed bothered to see her that way." Nihal responds.

"Don't involve yourself in baseless thoughts Nihal. You're dwelling too much in your imaginations." He says straightening his built and standing up abruptly.

"Fine then. I should go down, pack my things." Nihal says as he turns around.

"You leaving tonight?" Danuj asks as he moves forward toward Nihal.

"That's the plan. Why?" Nihal asks looking over his shoulder.

"She might need your help again. You have to wait for another week." Danuj states.

"She needs my help or you need it for her? What's she doing to you Dan?" Nihal chuckles, shaking his head.

"Stop it and go downstairs. I need to find Ojas." Danuj retorts.

"Uhum.. he's with .. Vasudha. Raju called him. He is probably letting her talk to her father. Do not shout on him. I asked him to do so. She'll feel better." Nihal's words are yet to be finished when narrowing his eyes, Danuj rushes out of the study room.

He spots Ojas, standing outside Vasudha's room. He swiftly moves behind him and Ojas stiffens understanding his presence.

"Leave." He whispers and without wasting a single word Ojas does what he is told. As he leaves Danuj stands there, patiently.

"Baba.." He hears her voice from outside as he straightens himself.

"I am totally fine. Trust me." Vasudha says.

"I knew they would come. It might have been really difficult for you." She replies to her father. Danuj can't hear the other end but he understands that she is talking about her friends.

"Yes. Surprisingly he didn't torture me yet. I have been given a room, food on time and everything one needs to survive. I am okay baba." She says and Danuj visibly stiffens.

"I still don't know, but I'll find out. He acts weird. Mostly unpredictable. I need some time to figure him out." She says.

Danuj keeps on listening to her conversation. Hearing her talk so casually about everything, reminds him of that night. The night he spent under her observation. The night she overlooked the scar on his face and took care of him. The faint memory of her soft fingers grazing through his hair covers his senses and all of a sudden  the door to her room opens.

"I can't believe this. You were eavesdropping?" Vasudha's voice, full of disbelief, echoes through the corridor.

"I didn't know I had to take permission from anybody apart from myself. As far as I can recall this part of the property also belongs to me Miss Roy. So I wasn't eavesdropping, I was just passing by when I paused to ask you if you're feeling better. However, I can see you have recovered faster than I expected." Danuj says looking at her narrowed eyes.

"Sorry to be a bother. But again, why should I? You deserve this." She says curtly, crossing her hands over her chest. Her words bring a different spark in his eyes. As if he is amused.

"You'll have your lunch in your room today. And you're not allowed to lock your door from inside. Go, take rest." He says and prepares to leave.

"This is.... wait.. why?! Why can't I lock it from inside? As you can see, I am fine now." Vasudha argues.

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