Chapter : 52

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Some Promises Are Meant To Be Broken.

Nihal observed her throughout the car ride back home. Shocked would be an understatement, she was overwhelmed. The way she strived to contain her tears, the way she sat still like she has been struck by a bolt of lightning, made him happy and sad at the same time. Happy that she finally got to know Danuj even if that meant this tiny glimpse of him and sad the she had to go through so many obstacles for such a long period. Something inside him says she is destined to confront even bigger problems, that scares him.

As they enter the house she doesn't even utter a word as she takes the stairs. He doesn't say anything as well. Understanding her current condition is impossible for him. But he can assume, she is shocked beyond measures. The only question remains now is why is she still here? Why did Danuj do all these things to keep her here? Is it only because he felt immensely attracted towards her, or is there any other reason behind it?

Danuj will leave tomorrow for three days, Nihal remembers the confidential meeting he kept talking about. He decides to ask him about it directly on his return. He needs to know what's going on. He needs to know what the hell is he planning to do with Vasudha. He needs to keep Vasudha safe, not from him but from the people who are continuously searching for his tiniest weakness. And as far as he has seen, she is by far the biggest weakness he is desperately trying to hide. But he will make sure to protect her at any cost, within this small span of time she has managed to become this precious little sister to him. A responsible and sensitive one at that. He will do anything to save her.


She keeps sitting on the bed. The thought that Danuj will never hurt her brother, relieves her but that also means that she lost the last straw of finding out her brother. The only thing that is bothering her is the call from her brother. Why did he take Danuj's name? Why was it his last call? Why he couldn't finish what he wanted to say? Where is he? How is he doing? How is he surviving without talking to her or her father? Is he even alive? She closes her eyes as her hand tightly clutches the cloth over her heart.

Abhay was never a judgemental person, that's why it never stopped him from worshiping Danuj D, even though he worked for Ekansh Sachdev, the biggest rival he has always had. He felt motivated every time he read or heard about his success stories. Who would have thought that the person they are addressing as Danuj D' is none other than Devansh Sachdev himself? Who would have thought her brother will get to work under Ekansh Sachdev out of so many people in this whole world?

Her thoughts immediately take a different turn. Why didn't Danuj go back to Ekansh? Why did he choose this life? The whole thing seems more than complicated to her. Immediately she is reminded of the scars spread allover his body, the gruesome scar that changed his facial features to a limit that one needs to look at him from a very close proximity to understand that he resembles the eldest son of DevraajSachdev. How much pain did he endure within these years?

Her train of thoughts break when the door to her room opens and she finds Danuj standing there, looking at her with those intense pair of grey eyes. Her eyes fall on the scar on his face.

This man, this same man was wearing a mask and feeding a kid there, this same man is looking after all those deprived people without even taking the credit he deserves. She is suddenly reminded of the slap that she very proudly placed on his cheek once and suddenly she feels ashamed for doing that. Before she could process her thoughts the giant of a man speed walks inside and kneels infront of her, she was about to pull him into a tight hug but he beats her to that, as his arms wrap around her hips pulling her closer to his body as he bends down and buries his face in her stomach.

"What's wrong now?" She asks politely as she slowly strokes his hair with a sad smile on her face.

After a couple of minutes he loosens his grip but keeps his head buried in her lap as he mumbles,

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