Chapter 11: The Gate of Fate.

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"She is still inside with uncle. I don't think this is the right time to let her know about that Abhi." Zoya says over phone.

"But she needs to be informed. We have to do something about them as urgently as possible. You don't need to tell her, let us come first. We'll deal with it together." Abhirup responds sincerely.

Zoya disconnects the call, her puffy, teary eyes display the hopelessness that has engulfed her. Slowly she moves towards the cabin where Vasudha is sitting right beside her father's unconscious figure, devastated.

He is being monitored, the oxygen cylinder keeps on lending him air to breathe. It is the second attack. The first time he had this when she and Vasudha were in school. They have been together for long enough to know each other like the palm of their hands.

From the day her brother went missing she invested herself more into her father. She became over protective of him. Anything negative related to him scares her to death but she never shows it. She is way too strong for her own good. Sometimes Zoya hates her guts, she has never really liked how she throws herself into dangerous situations. Yet she couldn't stop feeling proud of her.

She slowly walks towards her. Vasudha is sitting on the chair, her hair is pulled tightly in a messy bun. Her forehead placed on her clasped hands, placed on the bed.

"Derek will be here anytime now. All of them are coming." Zoya whispers placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Did you eat anything?" Vasudha asks raising her head. The dark circles around her eyes shows her tiredness.

"We'll eat together. Let's get down and have something. You haven't eaten anything from yesterday." Zoya responds.

"I have no appetite Zoya. I only feel tired." She replies.

"I know but you need to eat something at least. You have so many fights to deal with. We need you strong as always Sudha." Zoya adds, to which Vasudha nods in understanding and slowly stands up.


"No!" Vasudha cries out but Derek holds her tight to his chest.

"We tried. All of us did Sudha. They tampered it, I bet they did." Derek says.

"How is that even possible? We were winning it, weren't we? What will happen to them now? What will we do Derek?" Vasudha sobs.

She sobs. The hollowness, the utter helplessness is written on her face. They lost the case. Today's hearing put a full stop to everything. They lost "Ashroy" to The D' Imperium. They are facing the day they dreaded the most.

"Why did you need to tell her this now? Couldn't we handle it ourselves somehow? She is already devastated." Zoya asks Mihir.

"She deserves to know Zoya. She has fought the most amongst us, she struggled so hard to achieve it. It is her right to know what happened there." Mihir replies. They were standing outside the hospital infront of a roadside food stall.


"We need to come up with an idea as immediately as possible. How about dividing them and taking them to our places for the time being?" Vasudha suggests.

"That seems to be a good idea for now but that is obviously not a permanent solution. We need a place to shift them." Abhirup says.

"Yes, we need to count the funds we have collected till date. We have to arrange something urgently." Zoya says.


"I am coming with you tomorrow." Nihal says.

"No, you're not. I don't want to involve you in my matters Nihal." Danuj responds while eating.

"You've already been stabbed Dan, thanks to the lady who saved you. If not for her, we could've lost you this time." Nihal says furrowing his eyebrows.

"Don't be cheesy. You know pretty well that I've got used to all these things by now. Killing me is pretty challenging. " Danuj says ignoring the uneasy sensation that is caused by the indirect reference of Vasudha.

"Fine but I am still coming. I am a doctor for God's sake, I can come in handy sometimes you know." Nihal says biting on the chicken.

"I don't get it why you are being so adamant." Danuj says standing up from the table with his plate.
"And also, you'll do the plates today. Consider it as the rent for staying at my place." He adds wiggling his eyebrows.

"Wha..what?! I don't know how to do that?!" Nihal shouts widening his eyes in surprise.

"That's your problem. Why should I bother?" Danuj replies coldly and moves towards the kitchen.


"Bring her here Zoya." Ganika says over the phone.

"But she still has high fever Ganika. What is happening there? Is everyone okay? Why do sound" Zoya questions.

"Even if she can't walk, bring her here. She needs to witness this. She needs to see who he is." Ganika says.

"Who is who? I couldn't get you." Zoya asks, confused.

"Just bring her here, Zoya. Bring her." Ganika disconnects the call.


"Sudha? How are you feeling?" Zoya asks while helping her sit up.

"Weak but better. Who was that on the phone?" Vasudha asks.

"Umm..Ganika." Zoya says fidgeting with her fingers.

"Zoya.. are you hiding something? What's happening there?" Vasudha asks.

Zoya leaves a deep sigh and asks before biting her lips in nervousness,
"Do you think you'll be able to go there?" 


"Boss, the media is everywhere. Do you still want to come?" Ojas asks.

"I have seen they have a huge main gate. Close it. I am taking Nihal with me, I will be riding with him. Open the gate for us and close it again." Danuj responds.

"Okay boss, I'll arrange that." Ojas confirms.

With that Danuj turns around towards his closet.

"So, you're taking me with you, what changed your mind?" Entering his room, Nihal asks with a smirk.

"The media." Danuj responds nonchalantly.

"Fucking what?! You can't go there Dan." Nihal says in a very serious tone.

"But I will." Danuj adds.

"No you won't. You know how it's tremendously unsafe for you. I can't let you risk your life Dan." Nihal says walking towards him.

"I know everything, but I need to be there Nihal. I need to see something before I ruin it with my own hands. I have to get the answers which I kept on searching for the last few days. They are eating me alive." Danuj whispers absentmindedly.

"What answers? What do you need to see? Can you please be a little explicit?" Nihal asks.

"I need some time alone Nihal. You go, get ready. I'll meet you in ten minutes." Danuj says, deliberately avoiding his questions. But he knows he can't answer them. Not now, not ever. He can't let him know that an insignificant girl has overpowered his walls. That, the same girl is deliberately invading his thoughts and he seems to enjoy the invasion. He knows he can't let his walls down for a stranger. Trusting someone is not his cup of tea. But he is desperate to find out the reason.

Desperate to see her again.

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