Chapter : 25

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"That guy.. at Sudha's place.." Abhirup mutters to himself as he looks out at the lake from Zoya's bedroom window. He keeps on rocking back and forth holding on the windowsill.

"What about him?" Zoya asks raising her eyes from the laptop.

"I think I have seen him somewhere. But the problem is I can't remember where." Abhirup says maintaining the same posture.

"He said he worked at a restaurant. You might have seen him somewhere like that." Zoya tries to clarify.

"Nope! Trust me when I say his face has no connection with cooking. I have seen him somewhere else and I'll find out where." He adds, as he turns around and looks at Zoya with confidence. Zoya's eyebrows furrow in confusion.


"What do you mean by 'stay here' ? I hope you don't want me to feed you Mr. D'? You seem capable enough to eat on your own." Vasudha says offering him a curt smile.

"Serve me the food as you served him." Danuj says as he takes his chair infront of the table.

"I clearly remember the papers and they never say that you're appointing me as your maid. Serve yourself sir." Saying so she turns around to leave again.

"Fine then, take the tray back with you. And tell Nihal I have no appetite." Danuj says looking out of the window. His jaw clenches as he pushes the tray forward.

"Is that so? Then, as you wish." Saying so she walks towards the table to collect the things. As she reaches, her eyes shift upwards from the plates and catches him staring at her with that weird intensity. Her eyes stay fixed to his as if searching for something. Everytime he stares at her she gets intrigued as to why has he brought her here, how did he leave his claim on Ashray so easily, what will he gain by keeping her captive. Is it just to satisfy his ego? Doesn't that sound too trivial for this giant of a man? Then why?

"Why are you keeping me here?" She thinks to herself. Looking at him she lifts the tray and pauses. Something inside her is not letting her leave him starving. She feels bad for some weird reason and places the tray back on the table. His eyes immediately move to the tray and his eyebrows furrow in confusion as he sees her placing the plate infront of him and serving the food. He stares back at her expressionless face. Her eyes are shifting between the foods as she serves them on the plate.

"Why the sudden change of mind?" He whispers, his voice fails to hide the slight amusement he feels.

"None of your business. Served the food. Here, eat and let me go." She says taking a few steps back.

"Wait. Wait till I finish." He says, looking at her expectantly. She looks at him while deeply thinking about something.

"Under one condition. You'll tell me the truth. How did you leave Ashroy so easily, what do you get from keeping me here? You don't even treat me badly,  you don't torture me like I expected. Then why?" She asks crossing her arms over her chest.

"This much? I'll surely tell you, have a seat first." He gestures towards the other chair.

"I would rather prefer standing." She answers politely.

"Sit on the bed then." He says. She hesitates at the beginning but finally decides to seat.

"Fine, taken the seat. Now answer me." She says after sitting on the bed.

"May I complete eating first? Only if you allow so."  He responds.

"I should have known you're just playing with my brain." She says preparing to leave.

"I'll tell you. I don't break my promises."  He urges.

"Okay. I'll see." She says and sits back.

Time passes by as he keeps eating and she slowly drifts into an uncomfortable slumber.

He stands up from the table and moves towards the washroom to wash his hands. Coming out of the washroom he slowly walks towards her sleeping figure and keeps looking at her face.

Very slowly he kneels down beside her. His fingers very slowly move towards her forehead but he immediately takes them back and releases a deep sigh, before moving them towards her forehead once again. This time he pushes his will power further more and his fingers touch a strand of her hair. He carefully moves that behind her ear and places his hand on the side of her head.

"You're here because this is the only place where you'll be safe, love. I swore to protect you no matter what. I swore to not let anyone come near you. I swore to him that I'll make you MINE. You're mine Sudha and no one can change that." He whispers to the sleeping figure of Vasudha as he slowly picks her up bridal style in his arms and leaves for her room.


Nihal leaves his laptop and moves towards the door. His heart thumps inside as he moves closer to it. He knows who is standing behind the door but still he feels a little odd to face her.

"Hello sissy!" He says as he peaks his head out of the door.

"Move aside. Your face disgusts me." Maya responds standing at the door while tapping her foot impatiently on the floor.

"That I know. However welcome home." He retorts, winking at her.

"When did anyone let me consider this place as my home?" She says as she enters.

"Everyone did Maya. It's just, you never behave like a family." Nihal answers.

"And how does a family member behave? Like you? Always extra happening?" Maya says as she places her bag on the couch in the main hall.

"Probably not extra happening but a tiny bit happy?" He responds.

"Stop this nonsense and let me.." She pauses as her eyes fall on Danuj's ascending figure, holding the tray. She immediately hurries towards him.

"What's this D' ? Couldn't you call Nihal or Ojas upstairs? Let me take it." She urges but he simply shakes his head in a 'no'.

"I'll take it back to the counter." He says and a tiny smile breaks into Nihal's face. Which doesn't go unnoticed by Maya. As Danuj enters the kitchen she looks at Nihal and asks,

"What's happening? Why did you smile like that?" She pauses as she furrow her eyebrows thinking deep about something.

"Where's that girl?" She comes again.

"Why do you ask? Upstairs I guess." Nihal states knowing very well the reason behind her curiosity.

"What's about Vasudha?" Danuj's voice booms from behind surprising both of them.

"I guess she is curious to meet her, isn't it Maya?" Nihal responds immediately.

"Not really. I have some questions rather. I would like to have a chat with you in private." Maya states.

"Talk here. What is it?" He asks sitting on a the couch.

"Fine. What are you doing keeping that girl here? Does it at all go with your reputation? If it leaks out somehow do you have any idea what can happen? Whatever we have built till now will be ruined.  Do you want that?"  Maya asks, desperately.

"Seeing you bother about our business so much is pretty promising but you know what, I'll talk to you the day, when you'll learn to address her with her name. Vasudha Roy. Not that tough, is it?" He says, standing up from the couch abruptly.

"What has happened to you D' ? What's she doing to you? Have you forgotten everything, have you forgotten those days when everyone abandoned you apart from me? When you were struggling to become something?" She asks.

"Never Maya. But I would like to remind you it wasn't you alone, it was Nihal, you and your father above everyone else. That person requested me to bear with you even when you'll forget your manners. I am still doing that out of my respect towards him, if you know what I mean." Saying so he leaves the room leaving the siblings awestruck.


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Love, Puja. 😍

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