Chapter : 32

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Better than beautiful?

One year and eight months before

The tiny wings keep fluttering. The combination of purple, blue and yellow, makes it look magical. It keeps flying from one flower to other. After a few minutes it loses its track and flies through a slim opening of a window, leaving behind the balcony garden.

It fails to notice the dark brown pair of eyes that keeps admiring it.

"See Raghu chacha, have you seen anything as beautiful as this butterfly?" As Ekansh praises its beauty it comes closer to the table where he is sitting and settles on the pretty flowers placed inside the vase that's set at the corner of the table. Raghu looks at the butterfly through his glassy and wrinkled eyes.

"I enjoy nature, enjoy what's natural. I find them beautiful, you know." He says with a genuine smile plastered on his face as his fingers slowly move towards the butterfly. Raghu, as very usual, keeps his mouth shut.

"Come here, you pretty little thing!" He whispers as he captures the butterfly between his thumb and index finger. Raghu keeps on looking at his master's activities as a silent spectator.

"Look at these colors. Mesmerizing.... but you know what I don't like, baby butter?" He asks looking at the butterfly.
"I don't like when someone forgets their boundaries. You were supposed to be playing there, at the garden I made for all of you. This is my private space, getting inside my cabin, without my permission is never allowed." He says and for the first time Raghu closes his eyes releasing a deep sigh.

"So, you have to accept your punishment." He says as casually as possible and raises the butterfly at his face level. Within a millisecond the tiny wings are ripped out of the body as the little body falls on the table tossing about in pain. Raghu immediately moves his eyes down to the floor but is forced to raise those again as he hears him utter the same word, with a totally new tonality.

"Beautiful." Ekansh utters. Raghu raises his head to see what new has he found and his heartbeat increase as he follows his eyes.

Right beside the garden is the glass made waiting lounge. Sitting there, looking at the flowers, is no one but Sudha, Abhay's little sister.

"Who is she Raghu chacha?" Ekansh asks in a menacingly polite voice, the only thing betraying his polite exterior is those maniac pair of eyes. The eyes which shamelessly exude what he feels: lust.

"Chote malik, that's.. that's our Abhay sir's sister. She is a very good girl. Just like her brother." Raghu pleads.

"That's even better. I like good girls." He says and presses a button on his intercom.
"The girl in black kurti, yes, straight hair. Send her inside." He takes a deep breath and turns to Raghu with a smiling face.
"Don't be scared Raghu chacha, she'll be alive. I promise. Now, leave!" He adds.

Raghu hangs his head with hopelessness and leaves.

"So tell me Ms.Roy, how may I help you?" He says, looking at Vasudha who is now sitting opposite to him.

"Nothing much sir, I just wanted to see my brother. Abhayendra Roy?" She says.

"Abhay, yes,yes. He is one of my best employees. Dedicated, minute and very hardworking." He says continuously staring at her.

"Actually I came here three days back. Because it's Friday, I requested him for a tour. That's why he told me to come here. But I guess it's not really gonna happen. Because he is some two hours late already." She says.

"A tour? What, like clubbing or something?" He asks.

"No, not really that, a general tour, I mean. This is my first time in Delhi." She answers.

"Oh, that can be arranged. I can give you one. Even, I was just about to leave." He offers smiling widely.

"No,no! Please don't bother sir. It's a huge deal that you offered, I'll be forever grateful." She says, smiling.

"You sure?" He asks as she nods.

"Fine then, at least let me treat my best employee's sister with a cup of coffee. That much I deserve, don't I?" He says, chuckling.

"What can say, sure." She says.

"So, what do you do? I mean, still studying?" He asks, leaning back on his reverse chair.

"I am a Government school teacher. A boring one to be specific. But that doesn't stop me from studying as well." She chuckles.

"Wow, you think that's boring? That's freaking attractive. You could.." His words get interrupted as the intercom rings.
"Yes, come in." He says, as a man comes in with a trolley containing coffee and cookie jars. Her eyes widen, as if immediately.

Her reaction amuses Ekansh. He stifles a laugh.
"Shocked? I hope not. Okay. Choose whatever you would like to eat." He says, grinning.

"Woh! I can't eat this much. Although I love the smell, I'll have the choco chip cookies only, like two of them and that's enough. Please." She pleads.

"That's enough? Fine then. As ma'am says." He gestures towards the man holding the trolley.

"So, when are you leaving?" Ekansh asks walking her towards the exit.

"Day after tomorrow." She answers.

" That's pretty soon. We have a party tomorrow evening. I would love to have you there. Do you think you can manage?" He asks, hesitantly.

"Uh.. I think, I need to talk to my brother about that. Even if I can't I know he will be there." She answers, but fails to notice the slight disappointment in his eyes.

"I'll send a car at your brother's place. I hope to see you again though." He says.

"Me too sir. It was really nice meeting you. Have a great day." Saying so she walks out of his cabin.


"Indeed a good girl. You were so right Raghu chacha." Crossing his arms over his chest, he leans back against the chair and keeps on talking mainly to himself.

"Rejecting me twice within an hour, interesting. Girls throw themselves at me, don't they Raghu chacha?" He asks absentmindedly.

"Y-yes sir." He answers.

"Yes....Then why did she reject me?! Why?!" Standing up suddenly, he shouts, punching on the table.

"The audacity?! Fuck, that smooth audacity she had that turned me on so many times within this short span. What a girl!" He comes out from behind the table and starts pacing around the room. Raghu keeps looking at the floor. He is used to listening to his bantering. He has seen him grow up and become this maniac. But that's it, he could only see and do nothing.

"A fling? Never! I can't even think of it anymore. She deserves more. She has the capability of keeping me intrigued. She doesn't bore. She's different." He keeps pacing.

And suddenly stops right infront of the table. His hand gets extended towards the empty cup she drank coffee from. He slowly brings that cup to his lips and closes his eyes as if relishing her essence. Raghu clenches his eyes.

"You know, I love whatever is beautiful. And she is better than beautiful. I want her Raghu chacha, I want her for forever." His lips twitch upwards into an evil smirk.


A Very Happy New Year to all my lovelies! ✨🎆 I hope you all have a better year than the previous one. I hope we all get to overcome this tough time with a smiling face.

I love you.😊

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Love, Puja. 💛

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