Chapter 13: The Fire.

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A slap on Danuj D's left cheek, this could've made the breaking news if only he allowed himself infront of the media. But he knows better than this.

Every individual soul becomes stunned at Vasudha's audacity. But the man who gets slapped seems to keep his calm to an unimaginable extent.

"This people gave you shelter, they saved your life. This is how you repay them?!" She says, her voice breaking.

He slowly turns his face to find both Maya and Ojas coming towards Vasudha but he simply raises his hand to stop them at their places. He then looks back at her and says as coldly as possible,

"You saved me? Yes. But they didn't."

"They did! They spared their food, their roof, their bed and their compassion for a vile creature like you." She says in utter disgust with her index finger pointed directly at him.

"So now you feel disgusted, don't you?" He asks with one of his brows raised.

"Yes I do and let me tell you, it's not that scar on your face that makes you look disgusting, it's the dirt inside you. You are disgusting from inside and I regret ever helping you." She pours her heart out while panting. The tears keep on trailing down her cheek. The stress she keeps on burdening herself with, increased a thousand times within a week. She knows she is about to lose everything. She couldn't save them. They are homeless now. And they are still looking at her face with so much expectation that it makes her sick from inside.

She feels helpless. And the feeling that this man has been saved by her makes her feel even more guilty.

Danuj's jaw clenches. He can't believe that this girl's words are actually effecting him. Why is he failing to ignore her remarks?

Standing beside him Nihal is having the day of his life. He can't believe that a random girl has just slapped Danuj and on top of that he didn't even react. What's happening?

"Talking to you is a waste of time, so leave and let us handle it ourselves." She says, suddenly feeling light headed. Finding nothing else infront of her she grabs his shirt for support. His eyes immediately search her face for answer but he doesn't need to wait for long as her grip loosens and her body goes limp infront of his eyes.

But before she falls to the ground he holds her by her waist and brings her close to his chest. Where her unconscious body finds its temporary shelter.

His whole body stiffens. A feeling so different, so unknown but so refreshing that he wants to have more of it. Without his knowledge his other hand slowly wounds itself around her upper body. He slowly pulls her body to have a better look at her face. And finds the view beautiful.

He doesn't remember how much time he spent like that but the moment someone forcefully tries to take her away his instinct pulls her back to his chest again.

"Let her go Mr. D', she is sick!" Shouts Derek.

He looks at that guy for a few seconds before he slowly let him take her away.

"With pleasure." He says through gritted teeth.


Derek and Zoya immediately takes her to Ganika who starts sprinkling and patting her face with water.

"You okay Dan?" Nihal asks rubbing Danuj's shoulder.

"Never felt better." He replies coldly.

"Are you? Because it doesn't seem so." Nihal says again.

"Stop assuming things Nihal. Tell Ojas to leave them untouched for the coming six days." He responds.

"Are you serious?! Like.. wow. That's great. I'll let him know right away." Saying so Nihal runs towards Ojas.

Danuj stands at the same spot looking straight ahead of him. She got back her consciousness. Sitting on one of the stone made benches her eyes are fixed on him and they scream hatred, disgust. Something he has always been familiar with. But getting it from her seems painful and intolerable.

So he decides on leaving the spot as immediately as possible.

Something changed. Something very important has changed.


"I am your brother Maya. I will always want good for you. But as I have always said Dan is not the one for you. And after today I am certain about it." Nihal says.

They returned back to Danuj's place after the hectic day. Now when Danuj is inside the washroom it seems the right time to aware Maya of the reality. The reality she keeps on denying.

"And what makes you so certain? That unimportant episode with that Vasudha girl? Is she even that important? What's wrong with you bhai?" Maya asks.

"First of all, that episode wasn't unimportant at all and secondly what is "that Vasudha girl" Maya? You address someone like that? Listen to me and listen well, i saw him loosing his confidence infront of that girl, you might not see it but don't forget I have been the closest to him from the beginning. I know him more than myself, he felt weak and most of all he felt protective about Vasudha. So unlike him, isn't it? But then again who won't fall for a girl who has the guts to slap Danuj D'?" Nihal says.

"Yes, that's you. This is what a man with useless emotions will do. But D' will never. I know him, he doesn't waste his time on these useless feelings. I have always been with him. We both are business minded, we both match well and don't forget he trusts me the most when it comes to The D' Imperium. He knows I can run the business better than anyone else." Maya responds.

"Do you even listen to yourself? Do you know how funny that sounds? Maya, this is life. You love someone, you stay with that person forever and you make a family. Trust me it has nothing to do with The D' Imperium or its business contracts. You know what? You only understand business and that's where your disadvantage lies. Sorry sis, but unfortunately I saw him becoming a human again, even if it's for second. And believe me, I'm totally thrilled to know what happens next. Have a good rest." With that said Nihal leaves the room but Maya stands at the same spot thinking about what her brother just said.

She can't deny that she has seen him acting differently today. That thought scared her.


Standing infront of the mirror Danuj can't stop thinking about how her eyes teared up, how the same eyes that showed him care and compassion turned utterly hostile. He is hating this feeling. But above everything, there is this particular emotion that keeps disturbing him the most, rage. The moment that guy took her out of his embrace, the moment he showed he had more rights on her than him, his whole body was put into fire.

And he has to extinguish it soon before it burns him to ashes.


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Love, Puja.🍁

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