Chapter : 46

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Do I Know Him At All?

"It's impossible Maya! He can not act this reckless." Nihal shouts over phone.

"But still he took her outside on her request. I have to admit that you were right. Vasudha does influence his decisions. Something I could never do, probably because I never tried hard enough, I was too afraid to break the wall around him." Maya pauses and releases a heavy sigh.
"He took her outside bhai. I don't know how much risk that evokes for both of them but I couldn't do anything after what I saw in his eyes." She adds, standing in the open veranda, looking outside.

"What exactly did you see Maya, that changed your opinion so much? Are you deliberately trying to frighten me sister?" Nihal asks, worriedly.

"No, but you should be frightened, infact, we all should be." Maya says.

"Explain how? And why?" Nihal asks.

"It has been ten years bhai. The only times his eyes changed to show any kind of emotions at all, were the times when he saw Ekansh's face on the T.V screen. But the way he was looking at Vasudha, even the dumbest person will understand, he is gone for good. He is immensely in love with that girl, a kind of love that might surpass everything around him. And I am scared for him, for the first time in so many years." Maya explains. On the other end of the phone Nihal mirrors her expression, they are scared of what's to happen next.


She has been to Delhi before, but today seems totally different to her. She feels free, she feels like finally she can breathe and above everything she feels loved. Loved by a person who is feared by the whole country, loved by a person who is deliberately trying to ruin his image, a person who has been nothing but good to her, wants to be hated by the world. Now, more than ever she wants to know: why? Why does he keep playing the villain to the world outside, why does he pretend to be a vile human being when he's not even close to that?

The car keeps moving and she keeps looking outside through the glass window. The warm feeling doesn't leave her for once as she keeps feeling his eyes on her every now and then. To her surprise the feeling actually makes her happy. She looks at the man sitting right beside her in a crisp black shirt and a dark grey formal trouser. Her eyes keep taking in every minute detail about him, from his sleeves that are folded and rolled up to his forearm to how his not so bulky but prominent and strong muscles are threatening to bulge out; from his well sculpted deltoids to the opened top buttons of his shirts. Her eyes stare up to his lips and for the first time in her whole life she finds herself willing to touch those, feel their texture with her fingers,  as her eyes move upwards she finds an intense pair of grey eyes already looking at hers with equal amount of emotion.

The car pauses at a signal. The embarrassment she feels is real. Her cheeks heat up and she immediately attempts to turn her face away from his but a strong hand grips her forearm making her body break into unwanted goosebumps.

"Look at me." Danuj's deep and husky voice almost forces her to look back at him. And then she sees it, the longing, the intensity and the craze. His grey eyes are no more a simple pair of eyes, they are showing the storm inside, the immense control that he has forced upon himself, is on the verge of breaking down. Her eyes finds it impossible to look away from so much emotion. The feeling of his rough fingers on her forearm, the sensation of his thumb that keeps rubbing her wrist, keep doing something otherworldly to her. She feels him slowly inclining his face towards her and she reciprocates, as if under a trance.
But the obvious trance breaks when so many horns echo all together.

They turn infront and see that the signal has ended. She clenches her eyes in utter embarrassment as he immediately starts the car.

Mask - check.
Sunglasses - check.
Buying everything with cash - check.

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