How you met (Preferences)

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How you met

Avengers (plus Loki and Bucky) Preferences

Warnings; None, or as Bucky would say, Nein!......Too soon?

How You Met

Steve Rodgers (AKA Captain America)

You were hutling down the street, late at night, coming home from work. You heard some snickers coming from a nearby ally. "Hey, lady, why don't cha come 'er and show me whatchya got on under dat coat." You tried your best to ignore him and clutched your little pocket knife. "EY! I WAS TALKIN TAH YA!" Your arm was grabbed and you turned around, punching the guy in the face. He growled and pulled your closer, smacking you in the face and ripping off you coat. He slammed you up against the wall and tore at your F/C blouse, exposing your bra. You stabbed him in the shoulder and he screamed, but began unbuttoning your pants. All of a sudden he was pulled off, and you slid down the wall, catching your breath. A gentle hand on your shoulder caused you to look up. "Here." He handed you his jaket to cover up with and you took it graciously, fixing your pants. "Thanks."

"It's not a problem, miss." You stuck out your hand. Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N." He shook it. "Steve Rodgers. May I walk you home?" You smiled and nodded. "You may." On the way home, you talked about your lives a bit, and when you reached your apartment you invited him in. "I'll wash your jaket up and make some tea?" He nodded and you headed up to your apartment.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

"Damn it." You mumbled as your arrow hit just ouside the bulls-eye of the target. You'd been practicing for hours with no new progress. "It's all about the last two seconds." Came a voice from behind you. You looked over your shoulder to see Clint BArton, on of the avengers standing behind you. You stuck out your hand. "Y/N." He ignored it and turned you back around, hands on your shoulders. "You have your form correct, but you're holding your breath when you release. Hold your breath while you get ready, let it out when you release." You nodded and followed his directions, hitting the bulls-eye dead on. An arrow whizzed past your head and hit the target, spliting yours in two. "Impressive." You murmered, slinging your bow and quiver over your shoulder. He stops you with his hand. "Clint." You shake it with a smirk.

Tony Stark (Iron Man)

"Another." You called to the bartender, who slid another shot of whiskey over to you. After awhile, he handed you some fruity drink. "What? I didn't order this." You wrinkled up your nose. He pointed to a man at a table by you. "Courtesy of Mr. Stark over there." You smiled into your hand, he'd done this every night for a week. "Give 'em your girliest drink, would ya?" He nodded and soon came back with another drink. "This is getting rediculous. Send him a Cosmo." The next drink came with a note.

You're really building up my tab, you know.

You sent him one with the note,

Aren't I worth it? Besides, if you can't even face a woman, you deserve to pay for it.

After a minute, someone slid a note over to you from behind you.

Guess who.

"Hello, Mr. Stark."

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

"Hello? Dr. Banner?" You called, stumbling a bit in your heels, labcoat swishing, hair frazzled. "Who is it?"

"I'm Dr. Y/L/N. I've made an amazing discovery." You heard a sigh. "Come in." You clacked inside to see him sitting frazzled at his desk, much like you were. "What is it?" You sat down. "I understand you've been working with Gravitonium? And you've hit a dead end? Well-"

"I'm sorry. I'm a serious scientist, and I'm not looking for  someone here for the glamour." He interupted rather rudely. You slammed your hands on the desk. "Docter Banner, your tongue discredits you. I have been working on grevitonium for six months, I haven't slept in three days, I am starving, and I smell, look, and feel like hell. You will shut up and you will listen." And he did. You showed him a diagram, explained your theory, and came to the answer. At the end, he looked gobsmacked. He pushed all his papers off the desk and enveloped you in a monsterous hug as you both cheered, and he set you on his desk. "Dr. Y/L/N, you are a literal geneous!" You smiled. "Call me Y/N, Dr. Banner." He smiled back. "Call me Bruce."

Thor Odinson

"Oh. Oh. Oh. Um. I. I....Can't." You frowned at your friend. "Why not?" She was skipping out on your movie night. "I've got a date. But....there is someone who'd love to." You frowned. "Jess...i'm not meeting your 'friend'." You muttered. She smiled. "Well...come in Thor!" The giant god entered and kneeled in front of you, taking your hand and kissing it. "Hello lady Y/N, Jess has told me so much about you. May I join you in movie watching. You huffed and glared at Jess. "I will kill you."

Loki Laufeyson (Think I spelled that right)

"Shove Off, hammerhead!" You yelled to the god holding you back. "Lady Y/N, you have commited an offense!" You ground your teeth. "Thor, borrowing a book is hardly an offense!"

"It is when you take it from a prince!" You continued struggling futily. "Brother, what are you doing harrasing this young woman? I know you have a hard time getting dates but this..." A slick voice came from behind you. Thor sighed. "Brother, she was caught steeling from your personal library." He turned you around, causing your glasses (If you dont then just play along) to fall off. You coudln't see the man, but you assumed he was Loki. "It's not steeling if you plan to give it back!"

"Let her go." You were released and you fell to your knees, scouring for your glasses. All of a sudden, they were gently pushed on your face and you saw Loki directly in front of you. "Hi." You murmured, standing up and brushong yourself off. Out of your bag, you pulled the book of spells and awkwardly shoveed it at him. "Here....uh....i'm..sorry?" He smirked and leaned in. "Ah ah ah. You're not getting away so easily, darling."

Bucky Barnes (The winter soldier)

 "Excuse me, excuse me, thank you, thank you, oh!" You ran samck into someone. "I'm so sorry sir." The man growled at you. "Watch where-" His friend elbowed him and he sighed. "It's fine. I'm sorry, miss." You nodded and went to pass him, but he stopped you. "Do you need help with that?" You were carrying a packege to your apartment, you were so excited to have gotten it. "No thanks." He took the package. "I insist. It is very heavey." With a shrug, you started walking. "Apartment 221 B." Finally, once you were there, you invited him in. His friend left you, leaving him by himself. "If you don't mind me asking, what's in the box?" You grinned and opened it. "My katana!" You tore it open and pulled out the huge sword. He looked shocked. "I'm Y/N." You grinned. Still gobsmacked, he murmered, "Bucky."

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