Movie Night - Sirius Black

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Note: Oh hot reservior I hope this will do.

Request for: AlexOfAsgaard

I've got a few requests I'm working on but again--movie night. Just saying.

Warnings: PG-13 for I don't want anyone to report me and get a big fat mature on my story so I'm being safe with the disclaimers.

Having been raised in a family of distinction and brought up around such unpalatable people, it's a miracle that Sirius didn't turn out as abhorrent as the rest of the Black clan. His character was made clear when he was sorted into Gryffindor, of course, but he continued to prove just how independent he was from the stain that was his last name all throughout his school career. If you asked anyone in a position of authority you might understand him as a bit of a menace, but all in innocent pranks and such. Midway through his seventh year, an event occurred that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he was entirely his own person. This event can be explained rather quickly, and labeled as 'Y/n L/n'.

Y/n was a mild-mannered (Hogwarts house) who seemed to keep to herself. More interestingly she was a muggle-born and teased relentlessly by the Slytherin house for it.  The Black family had an intense hatred for anyone who wasn't a pure-blooded snob, and they shared this disdain with a good portion of the wizarding world. Unfortunately, a good chunk of the Slytherin population was growing up with a similar mindset, and this earned her constant abuse.

One day a combination of incredible timing and coincidence had him walking down the same hall where Y/n was being cornered against the wall by two (obviously Slytherin) foes. Sirius didn't know her, but he took a moment to 

"Look at her, she's shaking!" The girl snickered, while clinging onto her boyfriend.

"What, do you think we'd waste our time beating up a stupid little--uh, what house are you in again?" 

The guy was clearly just trying to impress the impish blonde next to him, and in return, the girl was trying to egg him on.

The (Hair Color) against the wall was gripping her books tightly as if she were protecting them from something. The tension in her jaw was visible, and it was clear to see she was restraining herself. Sirius couldn't see why--those twits deserved a good hexing, honestly. They babbled on for a moment, and though he'd already gotten in enough trouble that day, he was ready to run in and save the girl, when he noticed her lips moving in a familiar way. 

When the boy started shrieking, stumbling back as his teeth grew alarmingly large, he realized with a small smirk that she'd managed to send a whopping Densaugeo without even waving her wand. As she skittered away in the panic, he realized he wanted to talk to her.

That was just the start, really. After they finally managed to meet face-to-face, a friendship bloomed that startled even the marauders. Just a few months later they started dating, and they stayed together up until circumstance tore them apart.

In all the time that he was held prisoner in Azkaban, Y/n never once believed that he killed James and Lilly. Her heart never wavered in her resolution--that he would escape, that he'd find her--that he'd set he'd eventually set things right.

She spent those years as a shut-in, unfortunately jaded and terribly ostracized. She wasn't exactly a marauder, but she was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and should the dark lord decide to rear his ugly head anytime soon, she decided she'd rather be prepared alone and in private.

Though she'd grown closer to James and Lilly through the years dating Sirius, she only felt comfortable in sending small gifts in the general direction of their only child. She tracked his progress in life and school, too.

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