TFA Preferences

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Question: What do lazy authors do when they've got ideas and crippling writers block at the same time?

Answer: They publish preferences.

Star Wars Preferences [The Force Awakens, I'll do the classics later]

The moment they fell for you

Note: Guess who's back?

Every new player aside from Kylo. [And Captain Phasma. I didn't get enough of her character to write a proper imagine.] I loved the movie, but it felt a bit derivative and in no way the best Star Wars film,a and so I included a small jab at the movies simplicity. See if you can find it. :)

Also, I am working on a request and a gotham sirens preference chapter. Just thought you should know.

Warnings: Ungh, light cursing. Do I really have to say it at this point.

Star Wars Preferences


The resistance was hesitant to let Finn, Han, and Chewie go on a mission just the three of them. So hesitant, in fact, that the only reason they were allowed to do it was named Y/n L/n.

She was one of the best fighters they had, and they figured that she'd do perfectly for a rescue mission. She hadn't offered to go, actually, she'd been mercilessly guilt-tripped by Han and Leia. This only worked because when her parents died, they stepped up for her. She owed them everything she had, her heart, soul, and life. So, with a petulant scowl set on her face, she moped through the first half of the mission. Finn noticed this, and immediately decided that he didn't like her.

The second they made their outrageous, heart-exploding landing, though, she was completely different. The pouty glare turned stern, and the look in her eye was oddly familiar. He'd seen it before, like determination twisted with rage. He'd seen it on every last soldier in the First order. He wasn't quite sure exactly what changed, then. All he knew in that moment was that he was glad you were on their side.

It wasn't until later he realized what that shift actually was. Y/n was talking to a pilot he didn't really know, but she was completely different. He'd only known her breifly, and so it made sense that he hadn't seen multiple dimensions of her personality. That didn't mean he was any less surprised when he saw her nearly breathless with laughter over something that random pilot said. She had such a beautiful smile...


She didn't like Y/n as much as she liked Finn. When the pair of turncoats first showed up, she nearly beat the both of them to a pulp. While Finn was able to redeem himself, Y/n remained relatively silent. In her experience, if someone wasn't up front, they were hiding too much. She distanced herself from her, even though everyone else seemed to like her well enough.

After the success with the Starkiller, everyone expected she'd finally warm up to her. As history goes, those expectations were not met.

It was two weeks after the battle, and Y/n were still laid up. She was restless, of course, but nobody else really minded helping her out. That was, until they asked Rey to go and make sure you were still healing and not walking around. She was less than pleased about this, but nonetheless she trudged to your room. She was just about to burst in, take a quick look, and then leave, when she heard quiet speaking. Rather than barge in, or even turn around, she found herself listening closely. How else was she going to figure her out?

"If you don't let yourself heal how do you expect to get back out there?" That sounded like...Poe. Strange, she never saw the two near each other.
"It's just taking too long, alright?" Y/n snapped a bit, something she did often. Rey almost rolled her eyes, typical Y/n, when something made her pause.

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