Benedict Cumberbatch Imagine

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Benedict Cumberbatch Imagine

Warnings: PG-13

Song for this chapter: When you love someone - James TW

Note: I hope the start of the new school year has been well for everyone. Don't blame me for this one I wrote it on autopilot. More out soon, I hope. I don't really like writing imagines for actors, not sure why. Don't expect a lot like this.

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagine

"It's alright. Sometimes, it just happens."

The kids stared up at you, absolutely heartbroken. They knew something was wrong from the second you walked in. Usually, he had his arm around you, or you were holding hands, or you were walking hip-to-hip. This time, you came in no less than two feet apart, both with crossed arms and damp eyes.

"I don't understand! Don't you love each other?" Your eight-year-old daughter was already crying, and she was getting more worked up by the second. Her question was loaded, and you bit your lip. Don't you love each other?


"You know, my mom came up and told me that you didn't love me." Y/n murmured, flicking through her magazine with little interest.

"What gave her that idea?" He murmured, and you felt the vibrations from his chest as he spoke. His voice was thick with sleep, and because he had refused to get up, you settled pretty much on top of him, forcing him to at least sit up.

"Well for one, she told me that you were going to let work get in the way. Which, to be fair, you probably will."

"I thought you had faith in me."
"I do. That's why I said it at the alter, dumb ass. But you will, and we'll fight, but I don't think that's the biggest thing. Blame it more on the fact that you did look ready to kill yourself through the whole reception."

"That was because your family kept insisting that I get you pregnant first thing. Your uncle was the worst. I really just wanted to get you onto the plane, that way we could be here sooner."

"I know. It's probably also the fact that's she's read about you in her rag-mags." Y/n craned her neck to get a good look at her new husband. "You're absolutely scandalous Mr. Cumberbatch, or so it would seem."

He smiled a bit, and you adjusted your pose so that you were effectively straddling his torso, hands resting on his chest.

"I think she's concerned you've got a harem on an island, and you're using me for cover."
"I really think you and the harem would get along, to be fair."

"Yeah?" You quirked a brow. "Should we visit?"
"You'd get jealous. We're quite close, the harem and I."

"Right, like you could keep up one mistress, let alone more than five. Too nice."
"Maybe I'm happier with what I've already got, right here."

"You'd better be, because you're stuck with me now." You waggled your left hand at him, clearly attempting to emphasize the wedding band on your ring finger.

"I dislike the negative connotations of 'stuck'. I'd say I'm...set, with you."
"Yep. We'll move to the suburbs and have three kids. You'll be 'set' for life."

"That doesn't sound so bad. Will you curl your hair?"
"Oh shut up." You rolled your eyes and pressed your mouth to his, effectively silencing him. Maybe you were working against the whole 'getting out of bed', but you didn't mind too terribly.


"Of course, sweet-pea." He crouched down to look her fully in the eyes. "And we'll always love you three. To death."

"But...why?" Your eldest, your only son, looked like he was ready to crash. Maybe it was because he was the oldest--because he'd seen his parents love each other longer--combined with the fact that he was too young to understand all the fights they'd had, and all the times his father hadn't slept at the house.

Oneshots, imagines, and ideas, oh my! *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now