Night Vale Imagine

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Here is some drabble to get you through this endless night, and tomorrow I have a few more things to publish. Be honest, Lovies--

Did you miss me?

Night Vale Imagine--PG

"Life is void, humorless, black with distaste and poignant emotion." Cecil droned into the mic, and everybody listening suffered a similar lull. These feelings were not uncommon-Cecil had a tendency to mix his moods terribly, and while listening to him people had a tendency to suffer a similar swing.

"Also, we have a new intern starting today. Y/n L/n will be new to Night Vale as of twenty minutes from now, and we're dying for her fresh perspective. Won't that be fun, everyone?" His tone shifted so completely and so smoothly, you'd hardly believe he'd muttered about killings and the lack of point in life not two minutes ago. He finished off with his traditional sign off and pushed back from the desk.


It was true, the Carlos the Scientist had known Y/n L/n. In college, when he was practicing science in all ways, shapes, and forms, she was doing words. Words, yes. Anything more, he didn't really care to know. They were very close friends, he was 'Science' and she was 'Words'. So, Cecil stood next to him as they waited for the odd train to pull in. She was scheduled to arrive at two thirty, and clocks were always slow in Night Vale, so two forty-five. But, the train always came fifteen minutes early (except for when it came four hours late), so she would be arriving at about two thirty.

She arrived at two thrity-five, and Cecil snickered as he had a 'favor' from Carlos for winning the bet. They rarely bet in money save a currency known as 'favors', which could amount to getting a cup of coffee, steamrolling another favor, or could turn more sinister in nature. The train pulled in and hissed to a stop, and very shortly after a young woman stepped off, taking in a deep breath of exhaust and air.

"Y/n, hello!" Carlos waved and walked over to her, ready to hug her, but she stopped him with a hand out. She stared at him for a moment, head cocked, (E/C) eyes assessing, hand on his chest. Finally, she opened her mouth.

"You son of a bitch."
"You cut your hair!" She exclaimed, staring at it intently. "How dare you?"
"Everybody cuts their hair."
"But this is different. You, you're Cecil, correct?" She pointed to the man with his hands in his pockets, who nodded. "You love his hair, obviously. He had it down to the middle of his back at graduation. He was the desert princess of the school, and he cut his hair." Carlos laughed and hugged his friend, who smiled and pulled away after a second.

"Alright, now that that's out of the way." She moved closer to Cecil and held a hand out. "Y/n L/n, on a basic level pleased to make your acquaintance." Cautiously he took and shook her hand, and she grinned a little bit. "I can tell already, this town is amazing."

They already had her set up in a house. The house to the left of the house that did not actually exist, which looked exactly like it. She was warned that she should probably stay away from the house to the left, and to tell the difference they had put a doormat at hers. Curiously, the house that did not exist soon after had a doormat, matching the other. She assured them that she would be able to tell once she lived in it. She thanked them and said goodnight, ready to start work at the radio station the next day.

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