Dean Winchester Imagine

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Request for: EmiLovesMusic

Note: Thank you for the requests, I love it very much! We're just 18 votes away from the big 300, which means another contest winner for a personalized imagine and a read/vote/follow. I usually do it for anyone who comments/follows, because I'm creepy as hell and you should block me, (I'm just kidding please don't.), but still. And we're almost to seven thousand, which is also exciting! Keep telling me what you think, I appreciate feedback and requests!

Rating; PG-13, some sexual innuendo and drinking

Dean Winchester Imagine

Y/n sighed and sat on her bed in the bunker, rather heavily too. She was wrapped in a huge, fluffy towel, thoroughly scrubbed of blood and gunk from the night's hunt. A quiet knock on her open door startled her, and she looked up to see Dean standing there, smirking.

"Hey, hot stuff." She flushed a vibrant red and held the modest towel over herself, as though she were at risk of flashing him. He chuckled a bit and shook his head.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out and grab a drink?"
"Sure! I mean, ah," She cleared her throat. "Sure. How'd you convince Sammy to drink?"
"Well, I didn't. That's kind of the point."
"I want to grab a drink. Just us two."

"Ooh, Dean, I-I'm sorry but you know I can't do that. I-I'll stay here, get some shut-eye." He groaned a bit.

"C'mon Y/n, just give me a chance!"

They'd been locked in a dance for over a month, Dean would ask and she would deny. She appreciated that he wasn't pushy, but damn was he persistent. The only reason he kept asking was because she fed into his flirtation most days, and often Sam had to snap at them to break them out of their 'sickening lovey-dovey crap'.

She gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry, Dean." He sighed a bit and pushed off from the doorframe he was leaning on, closing the door as he left. The second it was closed she pressed her face into her hands. It was getting more and more difficult to reject him, of course she'd love to go on a date with him. She wanted something easy, she also wanted Dean. And, she could have both of those things. But it wouldn't be fair to either of them.

After the first few rejections, Dean had confessed that he wasn't looking for some quick hook-up. Y/n had been hunting with the boys for almost a year when he first asked, and at that point he was stuck on her. One quiet evening, he had gone to her and told her exactly what he wanted. He wanted 'The whole deal. The Saturday mornings, the stupid fights, the legs-tangled-up and the borrowing his clothes. He wanted her for the long haul, and he couldn't be sure, but he was almost certain that she was different from other girls'.

That hadn't helped, though. Looking into his amazing, soft eyes and telling him a gentle 'No' was up there on the list of 'Worst things ever'. At his expression the next few days, she felt as though she had shot Bambi's mother--again and again and again in front of all the creatures in the forest. The reason she constantly rejected him was simple: She had a feeling if they got together, it would last until one of them died. She didn't feel like dying for a long time, and he was safe in her eyes. And, with this, she knew that Dean Winchester wanted to bring children into the fucked up world they lived in.

When she was trying to go through college out of highschool, before she gave in and started hunting, money ran dry two semesters in. In place of amassing more debt, she had taken a surrogate contract through a professional company. Upon her first examination, though, she received a muttered condolence and a rather large bill that she would have to pay alone. She never listened close enough to hear 'why' she couldn't have babies, but she knew that she couldn't. Hell, she'd tried, and that ended in bills and heartbreak yet again.

With this and other complications in her life, she decided to become a hunter, and did wonderfully. Love was out of the question, but ganking monsters was something she took great pleasure in. Unfortunately, she loved Dean Winchester. Even more so, she loved him too much to doom him like that.

With one last sigh and a quick glance to her only risque dress, she decided to go and have a drink.


"And I'm a Scorpio, so that tells you everything you need to know." The man puffed up his chest, and Y/n resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she took another drink on his tab. As she sipped her martini, she tuned out his babbling until a hand found its way onto her thigh. Startled, she glanced down, and then looked back up at him with a raised brow.

"My place or yours, hot stuff?"
"Niethers." A firm voice cut her off, and she turned to see the original playboy glaring angrily at the two. With a hold firm enough to keep her from squirming but gentle enough not to leave a mark, Dean pulled her from the bar and eventually, into the Impala.

"What the hell, Y/n?!" She sighed and slunk down in the seat. Her buzz was already fading, as it hadn't been entirely strong in the first place. "You do it all the time, Dean." She murmured.

"Not since I started asking you out. What does a random guy have that I can't give you? I want to give you a life, where you don't have to worry about putting anyone in danger! And I know you want it, damn it, you're just holding back!" He hit the steering wheel in anger, and Y/n sighed. "Why are you doing this, Dean?"

"Because, Y/n. I'm in love with you."

It wasn't as though she hadn't heard that before. Boys who had come and gone, since her very first fling, had constantly told her that they loved her and she returned it. But no one had ever looked her in the eyes, tightened their jaw and glared at her, and angrily snapped it at her. For some reason, staring into those slightly damp emeralds, it was different than she'd ever heard it before. Because of this, she smacked the car door harshly with her open palm, letting out a scream of frustration.

"What the hell!!"
"Damn it Dean! Let it go, alright? You've never heard the expression, 'If you love me let me go'? Huh?"
"Of course I have! But you know damn well I've never listened! What is it, huh? Tell me, I deserve to know!"

"I can't have babies!!" She shouted, angry and sad and damn near to crying. "I can't have fucking kids, okay? And you want a whole goddamn wagonfull, and I couldn't give you even one and I can't do that to you because I love you you asshat!" She panted a bit, silent tears falling irregularly and making tracks on her cheeks. He stared at her for a moment, eyes wide, and then he lunged forward to kiss her on the mouth.


Y/n sighed and finished cleaning her hands on a towel, which was almost certainly white when she started. Dean came in, smirking, with a bottle of wine and two glasses in hand.

"What's this, then?" He set down his load and then carefully uncorked the bottle.

"Remember when you screamed at me, that night when I cock-blocked you?"
"Well, that was three years ago, today." He handed her a half-full glass and then sat down with his own.

"Oh Dean." She sighed, smiling slightly. "You'd better put a ring on this soon, or else I might just fly away. Or I'll get killed and I'll fall to hell."

"Never in a million years would I let that happen. Besides, maybe I've already got something planned."
"Yeah, right."
"No, seriously!"
"Alright sunshine, let's get hitched."
"What, no ring?"
"I'm serious. Let's do it."
"Because. If you're ever kidnapped, I can shout 'Get the fuck away from my wife.'"

"Compelling." She raised her glass. "To our eventual marriage." He clinked glasses with her, slightly smirking.

Just for that, you have to wait a little bit longer. Another month, at least.

And the cheap ring  burned in his pocket for almost another hour, too.

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