Rick Grimes Imagine

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Rick Grimes imagine

Warnings; Season five, shaky telling, and a relationship with Rick. Don't judge me, you've thought about it at least once.

Rick grimes Imagine

You pinched the bridge of your nose and straightened. He was just staring up at you, eyes dark, expressionless. "Why don't you trust it?" You sighed and crossed your arms, looking around the house. "It's been two years, Rick. And these Stepford people have made it without doing anything they regret?" You shook your head. "That lady didn't ask me any of the right questions. They all act strange." He stood up. "Normal, Y/N. They act normal." You let out a dry chuckle.

"You know what Rick? You slip into something more comfortable. I'll keep both eyes open to make sure nothing goes wrong." He opened his mouth to say something when someone entered the house. "Hey Y/N.....oh, am I interrupting?" You shot a look at Rick before turning back to Carol. "Nah. Is she ready for me?" She nodded, and you followed her out. Rick grabbed your arm and leaned down to whisper in your ear. "I'll be sleepin' in the master." You jerked away, glaring. "I'll be sleeping down here."

You eyed the camera and looked around the room. "So, you're the famous Y/N." You met her gaze. "Famous?"

"Yes, actually. Your entire group told me about you and Rick. How you made the tough decisions and kept the people you love safe. And you've managed to be together through all this?" She shook her head in disbelief. "It's amazing." You crossed your arms. "Yeah, it is." She smiled patiently. "So, what do you think of Rick?" You sighed. "I'm pissed at Rick, but I wouldn't want anyone else watching over everything."

"Is there anyone in your group you don't like?"

"Not really. Noah's new, but he's a good kid."

"Let me give you a hypothetical. If a man had a gun to Rick's head one second, and he was down on his knees the next, would you kill him?"

"It depends, did I put him on the ground?"

"No, he went down himself. He's surrendering to you, and Rick is safe." You matched her stare icily. "If you would have asked me a few months ago, then no. But you're asking me now."

"So what is it? Would you kill him?"

"I wouldn't even hesitate. Too many people have died because there is nobody safe anymore." You stared at her. She sighed.

"A few people told me about your relationship with Rick's boy. Even him. Do you wanna know what he told me?" You raised a brow. "He told me that he knew for sure that you were right for him, his dad, and the group. He told me that you hadn't lost yourself, but you had a hard time seeing it all the time. He told me that you never lied. So, I have to ask. Do you think you'll be hurting anyone in Alexandria?"

"I know I won't be hurting anyone, so long as they don't try to hurt me."

"And by you, you mean..."

"Anyone in my family."

"Who is your family, Y/N?" She sat forward in her seat, and you matched her.  "All of those people out there. Every last one of them."

"You can go now."

An hour later

You sighed and stepped out of the shower, crisp white towel still drying your hair. This house was too nice, to big, too clean. You were wearing a pair of jeans and a loose fitting black top, you looked shockingly normal. Carl passed you and grinned. "Look! It's the Y/N in its natural habitat." You smiled back and continued walking down the stairs. Rick was in the kitchen, in a police jacket. You almost laughed. You almost went up and put your hands over his shoulders and joked about how stiff he looked, but you remembered that you were mad and this life wasn't real. You weren't living in a mini mansion with your police officer boyfriend, helping raise his kids, cleaning the house. You sat at the dining room table.

"This isn't right." You looked up at him, surprised. "These people are downright normal."

"That's what you want, Rick. Normal."

"There's no such thang as this kind of normal, Y/N. They're too good. I just got a haircut from the woman next door. All I could think about was her stickin' those scissors into my neck, and how I would keep her from doing that." You stood up and walked over to him. "And I know if she were here, she'd tell me I was too far gone." You always snapped at him when he brought Lori up like that, but this time it was different.

"We're all too far gone, Rick." You rubbed his shoulder lightly. "We made ourselves what we had to be to survive. But we're not too far gone to try." He looked back at you. "Do we want this?" You shifted, unsure. "I think we both want this, Rick. We just don't want to be wrong." He sighed and covered your hand with his.

"If we do this, Carl and Judith could grow up normal."

"They'll have the life you want for them, Rick. You can do this."

"Yeah? And what about you?" You smiled your famous smile.

"Doesn't matter."

"Yes it does. Because if you can't do it..."

"Don't even finish that, Rick Grimes. I'll do my best." He smiled and nodded. "Alright. As long as you're trying...so am I."

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