Tenth Doctor Imagine

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Tenth Doctor Imagine

Note: I listened to 'The good, the bad, and the dirty" by Panic! At the Disco while writing this, and now I want to write a really good villain imagine, or something where the reader is a boxer or something. I'm PUMPED, Damnit.

Request for: EmiLovesMusic--thank you very much! Keep those requests rolling in, lovies.

Tenth Doctor Imagine

The doctor let out a content sigh as he futzed with the TARDIS, humming a lively tune under his breath. He was absolutely lit, a post-adventure high causing his head to buzz.

Y/n, his companion, usually shared his joy at saving a collection of strange aliens or stopping a planet from blowing up. This time, though, she was sulking about near the door, looking ready to bolt. They'd just recently had an adventure on the moon. One filled with both civilians and soldiers, human soldiers.

Now, The doctor knew that Y/n had a deep pessimism for anything that had to do with her race as an offensive group, and she was usually relatively sour after dealing with them. He disliked soldiers from bad experience, but she seemed to absolutely detest anyone in uniform. This didn't quite add up, though, as at most she usually huffed and rolled her eyes, the whole petulantly upset bit. This time, she looked a cross between livid and sick. In her defense, she'd had about two dozen guns on her that day alone, so she had a bit of a right to be peeved. Even still, he felt his good mood stung by her attitude.

"C'mon Y/n, brighten up! We've just saved the moon--again." He attempted to cheer her up, only to have her turn and glare at him.

"We've just saved the moon from a group of idiots, that's what we've just done."
"Oh," he scoffed, "they didn't know any better."

"That's the point, doctor. Us humans don't know much, do we?"

He recognized a type of bitterness in her voice that he could assume was a mix of loathing, loathing for herself and whatever she felt the human curse burdened her with. She often spoke of it, the human curse. She claimed that it wasn't one specific thing that you could point out, that it was simply the damning nature of plain old humans. While she resented the fact that this indescribable curse made her 'less', the doctor was quite fond of it, and named it the human condition.

"The thing about soldiers is that they're all told to do. It's not that there aren't good soldiers--there are great soldiers--but the worst are made of those who listen to exactly what they're being fed instead of challenging it and fighting for justice."

"And those good humans are few and far between."
"Well, smart or not, I've never met a human that wasn't important. And I've met more than my fair share of soldiers, Y/n."

"You say that, and I don't think you really mean it, Doctor." He froze his actions to look at her, absolutely shocked. He didn't understand why she would say such a thing to him.

"Is this really about humans in general?" He asked cautiously, slowly moving from his control center to walk towards her.

"Or is there something eating at you?"

She shifted uncomfortably, and he realized with a sigh that it was not about the general human condition. 

"What's wrong?" She shrugged and walked past him as he reached out to touch her arm, another red flag encouraging him to further poke at the young woman.

"Come on, then. What's going on in that fantastic head of yours, Y/n?" 

She stopped short a bit at what sounded like genuine concern.

"Doctor, I'm fine, really. I'm sorry." She let out a small sigh and drummed her fingers against the TARDIS. "Where're we going to next?"

"Well we're not going anywhere until you tell me what's got you so upset." He crossed his arms, and she nearly laughed. He looked a bit...petulant...standing like that.

"I'm just a bit tired of being a part of the slower species, if you catch my drift. I mean, you say it yourself, we're bloody idiots."

"Op, see, you can't use that against me, because that's a generalization. Y/n, you know I think that you're amazing. And I've met plenty of amazing humans. You can't judge a whole race from a percentile, even if it is your own."

"I know, I know. But...I'm just tired of being amazing for a human, y'know?"

He was finally absolutely flabbergasted. She trailed circles in the metal finish of the control panel while he stared at her, chin dropped. Finally, after maybe thirty seconds, he strolled up to her in two or three confidant strides.

Before she could object, he grasped her firmly by the shoulders, expression hard and determined.

"Y/n, listen to me when I say this: You are not amazing for a human. You are simply amazing. Do you understand?"
"You say that like I should just take it on faith."
"You should, that's what I'm trying to get at. But fine, I'll let you in on a few secrets. You're brave, for one. On of the bravest creatures I've ever met. And, you're smart. Sometimes I think you're smarter than me. Oh, and I might have two hearts, but I think you've got more heart than me balled up in your chest."
"Are you saying that I'm kind, or that I've got excellent cardiovascular health?"

In a split second he dropped his head to her chest, and she let out a squeal of surprise as he pressed his ear over the spot where her heart rested.

"From what I can hear? Both."

She laughed a bit and he stayed there for a bit longer before returning to his previous position. Both of their gleeful smiles faded, and they ended up looking at one another, still trapped in an awkward position. Suddenly, it was like they were drifting closer to each other, slowly, until...

The doctor pulled away, clearing his throat and forcing his hands into his pockets.

"So, how about Barcelona? I don't think I've taken you there, yet."
"Yeah, yeah. That's fine. Take a break from...saving the world."

They moved away from one another, awkwardly, until there was about a yard between them.

"Doctor, I know that that was--"

"Barcelona, great absolutely beautiful. Not the place for a clandestine affair, too chipper."

"Of...of course."

"But," he continued, "Excellent place for two companions."

She looked up to meet his eyes, which were bouncing with affection and playfulness. A slow grin melted her lips, and she returned his expression.

"Barcelona, then."

Oneshots, imagines, and ideas, oh my! *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now