10th Doctor Imagine

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10th Doctor Imagine

Warnings: PG

Note: Still on vacation, updating from my cellular phone.

"You need to learn to take things a little more seriously." The Doctor huffed his opinion without even glancing back at the object of his frustrations.

Y/n came just barely after, strides loose and confident, an easy grin on her lips. She followed her Doctor through the cobblestone streets of something like Italy ten thousand years in the future, and for once they weren't being chased. He had expected a grand adventure, but from the start, something told Y/n that wasn't going to be the case.

First, it was around ten in the morning when he picked her up from her little house with the intention of showing her something new and amazing. They tossed a few ideas back and forth--she wanted to go back in time, he wanted to visit the distant future. After a little bit of arguing, the TARDIS started ringing. It might have looked like a call box, however, few folks throughout history knew the number. This immediately sparked interest and the destination fight was immediately doused by curiosity.

Y/n and The Doctor exchanged a look of pure, innocent confusion, and he (being that it was his box) picked up the phone. So as not to miss out, Y/n immediately set her head on his shoulder, the side where he was also holding the receiver of the phone.

There was a long string on unintelligible weeping mixed with words until finally something clear managed to make itself known. It was something like 'help', from a clearly female caller, and it was ended with 'you're my only hope'. Then, the anonymous stranger in need hung up, leaving nothing but a fortunately traceable signal location and time. With no further discussion, they were off.

They were quite pleased when they arrived in the floating city of Sicily, which mixed both of their previous desires, as they were now visiting the future and (in a way) the past. Upon taking in the city and as soon as The Doctor relayed that the blue sky above was a projection on a large dome, she jovially quipped that; "They forgot the water."

The Doctor didn't like her casual demeanor, as he felt like he was rushing to do something important. He didn't chastise her, however, simply gestured for her to follow as he dashed to the location of the caller. Oddly, the call had come from a grandiose mansion he knew quite well. A woman by the name of Julieanne Emile DeFonte had lived there, and he'd known her when she was a teenager. He spun stories of her with a great deal of fondness to his companion, who was only half-listening. She'd always wanted to visit Italy, and now she was taking the time to observe what she assumed to be a careful replica of one of the most famous regions.

She did catch that Julieanne Emile, as he'd come to call her, became a major player in the oligarchy that controlled the city. Born rich, married rich, widowed rich--she had all the funding to practically rule the city, and she did. A real people's princess, they called her, as she funded orphanages and reduced poverty rates--all things the very best rulers do. She was also a gifted artist, writer, and pianist, which only added to the fun. Unfortunately, it was made clear that she had died nearly ten years before the date of their visit. Y/n kind of wanted to meet Julieanne Emile, whom The Doctor had taught to play the piano.

At that same house, her young daughter lived with her mother's large staff. This wasn't exactly news to The Doctor, though he'd never taken it upon himself to meet her. The excuse he gave Y/n was 'wrapped up with my companions'. She suspected he thought it was just too painful, and he was probably correct. Even still, he nearly broke down the door to the house, though before that happened an elderly butler opened the door. Immediately, he recognized the eyeglass-wearing, spikey-haired jitterbug in his doorway, and let him in. With an odd look, he allowed Y/n to follow beofore closing the door.

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