Avengers Imagine

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Avengers Imagine

Note: I'm trying something funny this time around. Hope it pays off, and everyone enjoys it. I've got a Sherlock imagine in the works.

Warnings: Cursing, exercise. Bucky/Steve x Reader, mostly, let's be real.

Avengers Imagine

She wanted to get a good job. She wanted to be able to punch demi-gods in the face. She wanted to be allowed to sass Tony Stark. But most of all, she wanted an itty bitty earpiece through which people could complain at her. Is that so much to ask? Not really. So she did ask, and she wasn't exactly denied...

Tony would definitely submit her resume to the tattered remains of SHIELD, as long as she got into peak physical condition. So, basically, it was impossible. That didn't mean she was giving up, but it was beginning to be more trouble than it was worth.

First, she had to talk Natasha into being her private guide into the world of cat-suits and badassery. Secondly, she still had to work as Tony's assistant, which was like trying to wrangle a dozen feral cats into a Prius in the middle of a thunderstorm. Thirdly, she was on a diet. No more snacks, no more soda, just avocados, and tears. And to top it all off, she had to do it without Captain Countryman and the Ice Princess attached to his hip figuring out what she was doing. So, she worked all day, trained all evening, and went for her runs in the morning.

Yes, her runs. Running. She didn't even understand how people could do it for fun--basically, it was like tricking your body into thinking you were in danger, and making it freak the fuck out. Her lungs and muscles hardly appreciated the jerking around, and made their discomfort known in the form of persistent aches and asthma attacks whenever she tried to walk briskly up a flight of stairs.

As she went to leave for her fourteenth bi-weekly jog in the part of town Steve and Bucky would be least likely to visit, she was intercepted by the objects of her frustrations themselves. Steve, passing her in the hallway, stopped to give her a flabbergasted look. Y/n L/n was not wearing exercise clothes to leave the house in, he probably thought he was hallucinating. 

"Where're you off to, Y/n?"

She froze, a million different lies racing through her head at once. Samba class, I really wanted a gyro, it's top secret, Tony got lost in a Nike store and I need to go under cover--

"I'm going to a Yoga class."

You're so goddamn smart.

"Oh. Is that...fun?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Bendy."

Scratch that. You're an idiot.

He quirked a brow at her, and she began to walk away.

"Gonna be late for Yoga, gotta go, bye."

His 'have a good time' was drowned out by the air whooshing past her head in her desperate speedwalk to escape the situation. 


Often, the Avengers hung out together. Of course, this mutual bonding time was influenced by miscommunications escalated into civil wars, missions, and general brooding, but there were some nice nights. As someone who had majored in dealing with difficult people, Y/n had become a part of their network and was accepted into the fold. This earned her a ticket into their unspoken hangout sessions, and she was generally a pleasant addition. She got along famously with Steve, had since they first met. The soldier's enthusiasm towards her coupled with the fact that she treated everyone with the same playful, sarcastic kindness meant she got along famously with Bucky as well. 

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