Russia Imagine

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Russia x Reader

Request For: AlexOfAsgaard. Ask and you shall receive. 

Note: I dislike the snow. I love the cold, I like ice, but I hate snow. Apologies if this opinion isn't exactly yours. I wanted to try something cute?

Song for this chapter: Pandora's piano station.

Warnings: Beep boop.

Russia x Reader

Everyone was out playing in the snow. England and America were being wonderfully civil, for once they weren't arguing over how amazing Terminator was, or perhaps wasn't. Y/n, however, knew that out of all of America's insane films, Terminator wasn't even the most hated. England only used it to argue to illicit an angry response. It was learning this that made her like him even more. 

The snowy day was so peaceful, in fact, that even France was getting along with everyone--and he wasn't even drinking. Germany seemed relatively happy, if just because he wasn't talking. Rather, he was sitting on a powder-dusted bench, and everyone assumed he was just enjoying the day, so they left him alone. 

Russia was enjoying the rare snow, as he so missed the constant hailing of his homeland. He noticed, though, that Y/n wasn't enjoying the snow as well, which troubled him.

"Has anyone seen Y/n?"

He approached Alfred and Arthur, who were working rather dutifully on a snowman.

"She's inside."

"I dunno, maybe she's cold."

At this, he frowned. Sure, it was cold outside, but that was nothing a nice jacket or a scarf couldn't fix...he decided to convince her to come out.

Inside, Y/n was sitting on a couch, reading a book. She didn't seem at all out of the ordinary, as curled up reading is how you would usually find Y/n. Still, the day was out of the ordinary, and so it would be logical for her to act differently as well.


She glanced up at him, smiling slightly. "How're you liking the snow today?"

"...Is good, very good."
"Well swell."
"Why aren't you as well?"

"Hmm? Oh, I don't know. I'd just rather be in here."

She seemed content to leave it at that, but he didn't think it was a very good explanation, so he sat next to her.

"It doesn't snow so often, Y/n."

"Thankfully." She muttered this rather bitterly, which made his already furrowed brow furrow even deeper. 

"Tell me, why do you not enjoy the snow?"

She gave him a short sigh before closing her book and turning to him.

"It's freezing, wet, sometimes it's dirty, and whenever it snows people feel it's alright to pelt other people with giant balls of frozen water."

"It is not all bad, though." He pressed, as though she were simply in denial. "It is nice outside, come, you will see."

"I'll get cold!"
"Put on a jacket."

"It's different! I-you have a scarf literally fused to your body!"

He stood up, gently pulling her with him as he walked towards the door.

"I don't want to...."

Much like a concerned mother, he had her put on a coat and gloves before taking a long scarf and nearly covering her head with it.

"You will not be cold."

She didn't usually whine, so as she did so while he pulled her outside, it was somewhat adorable. Her whining turned to confusion, however, as they walked past the entire group, far away from the cabin house they'd been staying at.

"Where're we going? Are you going to kill me."

"No. Not you, and not today."

Her eyes widened, and her mouth pressed into a thin line. His statement earned complete silence, as they walked through a bit of forest to get to their destination.

As it happened, their destination was a small clearing--the treeline gave way to a small circle of land, and there was a small pond in the center. It was half frozen over, more like slush than ice.

"What're we doing here? It's...frozen water. That's all this is."

"You are warm, and dry. Just look at it like it's a picture." He suggested, and she crossed her arms as she veered away from him a little bit. She circled the scene like a photographer, attempting to get the perfect angle. After a few minutes of this, she threw up her hands and turned to him.

"I'm sorry, Ivan. I just don't see it like you do."

He huffed a little bit and thought for a minute, before promptly sitting in the snow.

"What...what are you doing?"
"Sit with me."
"No. I'll get wet. This is exactly why I wanted to stay inside."

She prepared to argue further, but the pleading look on his face broke her. She rolled her eyes a bit, but she sat next to him anyways.

"Do you see now?"
"I don't even know what i'm supposed to be seeing." She breathed, rubbing at her slightly red nose. "I'm sorry"

"Hmm..." He stood up, helping her do so as well. "Let me."

She let him pose her so that she was standing in front of him, though she did gasp a bit as he wrapped his arms around her.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked, more amused than offended.


He was a great deal taller than her, so she felt his rest his chin on the top of her head.

"Just look."

For some reason, it didn't seem so bad anymore. Sure, it was wet and cold and she hated it, but Ivan seemed happy, and she didn't exactly hate the position she was in.

"What do you think now?"

She smiled as small snowflakes started falling again. I think you're super warm.

"It's really nice."

She didn't have to look at him to tell that he was smiling, now. Plus, she got what he was trying to get her to see. He didn't want her to like the snow, per say, he just wanted to share it with her.

"Really, really nice."

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