Regina Mills Imagine

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Regina Mills Imagine

Note: Hey everyone, so here we go!! Now for the record, I completely and entirely ship OutlawQueen, but as is usual I'm doing something else! I'm planning a bit of a comp, though, which will have Destiel and Cecilos and yes, OutlawQueen. Enjoy!

Warnings: Implied queerness. (100% intended for a female viewer to be in a relationship with another woman. If you have an issue with that--what the fuck are you doing reading a book by a bi? If you feel like keeping this to yourself skip this and I'll see you in a few imagines. If you feel like sharing your opinion on gay sinning GTFO.) Light infrequent cursing.

Regina Mills Imagine

"Oh, yeah, it's no problem." Y/n smiled at Ruby. "Although it's a bit silly--I've been here six months? And you?" Ruby rolled her eyes and powered down her Ipod. "Alright, alright. But you're really good at this. You must be like, a genius."

"Oh, not really." Y/n laughed, grinning.

"I'm serious. It's rare that someone gets to be smart and incredibly beautiful." Y/n flushed furiously, and Ruby leaned back casually. "Maybe tomorrow we could grab a bite to eat?"

"Sure! Somewhere other than Granny's, right? I'm sure you're tired of the same old thing."

"Yeah, you're right. Why don't," she scooted over a bit, so their hips were brushing. "You come over, say, six? I'll make something special for us." She had pasted on a sultry tone, and Y/n, unaware, grinned and nodded. "Yeah! I can bring a salad!"

David, Henry, and Mary Margaret were there as well as Granny, and all of them were on the verge of bursting with laughter. Oblivious Y/n was adorable.

"All you've gotta bring is your sweet little self."

"Aww, are you sure? I'd hate to impose too terribly."

"Don't worry. I'll make something light."

"Oh good so I'll eat at two or so." Y/n chirped happily, and scrolled through her Ipod. Ruby wasn't the least bit put out, after all, oblivious Y/n was adorable.

"Hey, Y/n, how's my mom doing?" Henry asked, as if to remind Ruby that Y/n was dating Regina. At any rate, it was likely that Ruby would get her ass kicked.

"Oh, she's good. Really tired, lately, from the paperwork build up. You just saw her yesterday?"

"Yup. I just wanted to know how she was...because of the paperwork."

"Ah. I have to say, your concern for your mother is beautiful." A tranquil smile slid onto her face.

"Well, this dinner'll be just you and me, right?"

"Oh, yeah. Regina's so busy lately I'm lucky to see her when she's sleeping." Y/n chuckled, and again rolled over the flirting.

Now, Y/n wasn't an idiot. Far from it, in fact. She just had a hard time with flirting, as she'd only ever been courted. She was also very bad at driving, but that's another matter entirely.

"Hey, what's your favorite song?"

"Oh, don't make me pick! There's this one..." As Y/n talked excitedly, Ruby slipped an arm around her waist, and while she felt this was a little off, Y/n accepted it as a friendly (allbiet uncomfortable) gesture. This was too far for Henry, who covertly called his mother under the table.

"So...I guess it would have to be (Favorite Song). It's just so good. What about you?"

"I can't believe it--that's my favorite too!" A clear lie. Well, to most people. "Wow! That's awesome!"

"You know, similar interests are a sign of kindred spirits." Ruby's lips curled into a smirk. "Kindred spirits? I think that term is lost on me."

"Well, Kindred spirits are people who, for whatever reason, just click."

"I'm still confused."

"Well, they like the same things, and they like another."

"I enjoy being near you as well, Ruby."

"They also click on another level..."


"Well, when put close together, kindred's have a tendency to fall all over themselves. And I think I'm falling all over you." Y/n's brow furrowed. "I do not understand. You seem perfectly stable, Ruby. Do you need to lie down? Or a hospital?"

"At a hospital, they'd just give me drugs. You're the only drug I need."

"I may be nice company, but you seem unwell. David, would you help me take Ruby to the hospital?" She sounded panicked. The door jingled, but they were looking at each other and conversing, and therefore didn't notice.

"Y/n, no." Ruby smirked a bit and squeezed her hip. "What I'm trying to say is, I think you're-" A throat clear made Nora turn around. "Regina! Hello!" Ruby immediately retracted her hand from Y/n's waist.

"Are you off for lunch?"

"Yeah, something like that." Regina didn't break Ruby's gaze as she possessively wrapped an arm around Y/n. "I didn't know you and Ruby were so close. Not thinking of leaving me for her, are you?" Y/n gasped. "No! Why would you even..." Y/n sputtered, flustered and angry. "Just making sure. She's quite a catch."

"Alright. Out." She shoved her towards the door gently, following after her. "I don't want to yell at you in here. I'll see you for dinner tomorrow, Ruby!"

"No she won't!" Regina called, bite to her voice. "Hush you." Were the last heard words, and then they were both gone. Ruby crossed her arms. "What the hell?"
"She must have sensed something was wrong." Henry shrugged, feigning innocence. "They are, after all, meant to be." Ruby huffed and walked into the back with Nora's coffee cup, thwarted at last.

Oneshots, imagines, and ideas, oh my! *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now