Dean Winchester Imagine

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Dean Winchester Imagine

Warnings: Mild language.

"Right, and I understand what you're saying--but Star Trek is clearly better."
"Really? How so?"
"Okay first, actors. Most of the actors who've played the main characters are epic, and a lot of them have had epic careers outside of the franchise."
"That's not specific to Star Trek. Harrison Ford--"
"Harrison Ford, Lawrence Fishburne, and nothing. No one else suffered an illustrious career. None of the major characters."
"That's weak and you know it."

Y/n and Sam were arguing over which was better--Star Trek or Star Wars. Sam hadn't watched much Star Trek as a kid, but he'd caught a few of the films and fallen in love. Y/n liked both well enough, however, she felt the need to take a stand and defend Star Trek after the younger Winchester called it: "B-Movie tv trash with absolutely no logic." After that little bit of firestarter, Y/n started complaining about mitty chlorians, and it all went downhill from there. 

Because they were arguing over dinner in Sam's hotel room, Dean was forced to suffer as they bickered back and forth. When they started using the actors from their respective medias as ammunition, he felt the need to break in with a whiny groan.

"When are you two idiots gonna stop bitching about star-whatever? It's basically the same trash!'

In that moment, three things happened. First, for twelve seconds, every Star-Trek and Star-Wars nerd in the galaxy had a small heart attack. Second, Sam and Y/n shared a telepathic awakening--that they must put their differences aside for the greater good. Third, one Dean Winchester realized: he fucked up.

"What did you just say to me?" Y/n stared at him, practically open-mouthed. "This coming from the same person who screams songs about sex and drugs and debauchery from the front seat of his impractical-planet-killing-impossible-to-find-parts-for rust bucket?"

"And since when does nothing matter?" Sam continued rolling Y/n's snowball downhill towards his brother. "You once argued with me for an entire hunt about why Ghostbusters two didn't ruin the franchise, and the only reason you shut up about it was because I agreed with you!"

"Fine, geeze!" He threw up his hands. "If I'd of known you two were going to get your space pants all twisted together, I never would've opened my mouth."

"I just think it's a bit hypocritical of you, Dean." Sam laughed, lightening the mood considerably as even he realized the childish nature of his outrage.

"Well, whatever you two wanna waste your time fighting about."
"Better than getting killed outside." Y/n shrugged.

"Even if that's true, I can't believe Sam brought out the hidden nerd in you."
"What do you mean 'hidden'?"

"When I first met you, you struck me as the kind of girl who tore guys' hearts out and ate 'em like apples." He shrugged. "I still love ya though, even if you're more the 'name-every-character-from-firefly-before-bed' kind of girl."

"Hey!" She turned a faint crimson. "I did that once, to prove that I could!"
"I don't think that had anything to do with me. I couldn't have caught you if you were wrong anyways."

"Yeah, come to think of it, I'm surprised he even asked you out." Sam took a sip of his beer.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Up until he met you, girls like you weren't exactly his type."

"Yeah? And his type was?"
"Anyone who didn't talk too much."

"Hey!" Dean snapped. "Quit badmouthing me to the Mrs."

"Oh please, she knows all about your 'wanderer' act by now. You're the one who tried to reel her in ten seconds after meeting her."

"I wouldn't of if I knew she was the hunter Bobby was talking about."
"Don't lie."

He paused for a minute and then sighed. "Yeah, I would've."

"Good to know I was special from the start." Y/n rolled her eyes and took a sip of her own drink.

"Hey, you were. You didn't fall for it. And, you tried the same thing on me."

"I tried the same thing on everyone, but I never took it out of the building, smalls. It's a lot easier for a lady to get places if people think she got there by stepping on the heads of men." She wiggled her brows at Dean, who laughed.

"Don't get pissed if I say I can't imagine you stepping on anyone, unless the (Favorite Cereal) was too high for you to reach."

"Oh, shove it." She scoffed. "I might be a little bit of a nerd--"

"A little bit?"

"--but I'm also a complete badass."
"Yeah, right. And the next time there's a spider in the bathroom at three a.m? You're not going to wake me up?"

"I might." She sniffed. "I know it helps build your ego."

"If you use that excuse now, the next time we run into a coven I'll let you deal with them. To boost your 'feminine mystique'."

"You are the worst boyfriend ever."
"Here's to hoping that one day I'll be the worst husband ever." He raised his bottle of beer. With a sideways smile, she lifted her own bottle, and when they didn't clink, Sam raised his as well.

"To family?" Y/n suggested.

"To family."

Oneshots, imagines, and ideas, oh my! *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now