300th Voter Imagine--Little Tiny Secret

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Supernatural Imagine: Little Tiny Secret

Note: I really wanted this one to be funny. I am not sure whether I am good at funny or not. Rated Arrr, for cursing frequently. I'm allowed one 'Fuck' as PG-13. Usually I don't give a fuck, but in this imagine I give you many fucks. That's three already.

Song: Do you know what I'm seeing? By Panic! At the Disco.

Specific Lyric: "I know it's mad, but if I go to hell will you come with me or just leave?"

Request For: The winner of the 300th Voter Imagine, Sunnygirl72

Supernatural Imagine

Everyone knew that Dean Winchester slept around. A lot.

With that knowledge and the statistical success of birth control, you could rightfully assume that he had one or two kids strutting about some backwoods town or another. And so, when a sixteen year old boy with a dead mother came knocking for him, no one was quite as surprised as they were when a girl followed behind, knocking for Sam.

After the new family had settled with one another, say a year from the day when the kids found their fathers, Sam and Dean's fatherly instincts set in, and they were all happy with whatever arrangement they had struck. The new dads had settled down in a small Kansas town--a place entirely forgettable and backwoods. It was absolutely perfect to get them through highschool, as they were content to do so, but there was an uneasy threat hanging over the blissful scene.

Sam and Dean would face the call to duty soon enough, and the kids were dead set on rebooting the family business as a faux brother-sister team. In reality they were cousins, but Jensen and Y/n had grown up near each other and weren't phased by this fact. Now, there was no way in hell Sam and Dean were going to just let them hunt, but they were smart enough to know that trying to stop them would only make it worse.

When the kids were two months into their Junior Year, the brothers and Castiel decided to bump the dust off of the tools of their trade and head out to gank some beast or another. The decision wasn't without hesitation, but Jensen was an expert at hand to hand combat and Y/n had become fond of expressing her talent with knives. Even though they'd love to lie and say different, the kids absolutely knew what they were doing.

Two weeks after they set out, they were back, a nest of vampires some two hundred miles behind them. They rolled back into town around ten minutes before school let out, and so they decided to surprise the kids. They parked near the front, out of sight with a clear look at the front.

Jensen came out first, and he immediately spotted the Impala. In an awkward dash, he came up to the car.

"Hey, Jenny." Dean quirked a smile. In response, Jensen would usually roll his eyes and ignore it. This time, he just tossed his father a nervous smile and ran his hand through his hair.

"Let's go home." He seemed anxious and he fumbled with
"We've gotta wait for Y/n. What's wrong with you?"
"Y/n's walking home with a...friend."

"What kind of friend?" Sam turned in his seat.

"Uh...the kind of friend who she'd toss a knife at you if you beat him up, so I'd say...drive?"

It was a lost cause, though. At that exact moment, the doors to the school opened and out walked Y/n. The only problem with this was the boy walking next to her, nearly latched onto her. She didn't seem to mind, though. Instead, they were talking and laughing, and they walked in that disgustingly hallmark boyfriend-girlfriend pose.

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