Daryl Dixon Imagine

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Quick Note here-skip if need be, I recommend reading it

So, I was going to do a contest where the 100th voter got a dedication, shoutout, and a personalized imagine...

But then I got around forty votes overnight. (Thank you Scarletgrave and Sam_Lover_)


So I decided that for the 200th voter, there will be that. I'll keep you posted.

Second order of business is requests.

Please, drown me in requests. (I see you there , rissiejune) Please. I'll update my list of things I know, but ask away.

Third Order Of Business, I'm going to be doing more anime oneshots. I have a whole bunch of them ready to be posted, but I'll pace myself. I'm working on a Levi x Reader to knock your socks off.

Until then, and the request I'm working on, here is a Daryl Dixon Imagine, from my shriveled up black heart to yours.

Daryl Dixon Imagine--Humming

Warnings: A few songs about sex, (just the links, and it's nothing graphic), cursing

Note: All of the links work, if you can't click 'em then just look up the songs, I have the full names and links below. (No disturbing content, I swear) I recommend looking them up, they're good songs. *shrugs*

Daryl Dixon Imagine

Y/N sat, doing laundry by the creek. She was having a difficult time adjusting to the epidemic, and to sort herself out she had taken charge of all the laundry for a day. It was a relaxing experience. The song she was humming could be loosely identified as 'Pretty Women' from Sweeny Todd. She had a tiny smile on her face as she did it, and she let her thoughts wander from the situation at hand to her last good day before the world fell apart. It was listening to music, reading, and relaxing by herself. She absolutely loved it. As she lost herself further in the meaningless task, a figure approached her. It was so quiet that she couldn't hear him until it was too late.

"You 'sleep over there?" She jumped and spun to see none other than Daryl Dixon, and put a hand to her heart, breathing heavy. "It would seem that I am very much awake!" He scoffed.

"Not by how little yer payin' attention. Gonna get yerself killed like that." She narrowed her eyes. "I'll work on that, then." He scoffed and walked away, leaving her to mourn the loss of her trouble free afternoon.

Several Days Later

She was showering at the CDC, basking the the hot water, humming another song. It could easily be heard as 'If you're going through hell', which she thought was perfectly fitting for her situation. She shut the water off, remembering that Daryl also needed a shower, as they were forced to share rooms. She continued humming as she wrapped a towel around herself and exited the small bathroom, only to have Daryl storm past her. "Took ya long enough. And stop humming that shit." She glared at the bathroom door and hummed a few notes obnoxiously,  loud enough so that he could hear her, but ultimately stopped before he got out of the bathroom.

A week later

She sighed and dabbed Carl's forehead with a cold rag, humming an old lullaby she had heard many times. Poor boy. She thought to herself. At least he'll be alright. She didn't notice Daryl, leaning in the doorway, watching her interact with Carl. He watched for a moment before leaving, running into Rick along the way.

Oneshots, imagines, and ideas, oh my! *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now