Percival Graves Imagine

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Percival Graves Imagine

Note: This is another R rated imagine, I just want that to be clear. 

Colin Ferrel. Just saying.  

Warnings: Major Spoilers for the first Fantastic Beasts movie. You have been warned. Also, mature sexual content and foul language, so rated R. Way R. Super duper R. I'm going dirty again, folks. 

Percival Graves Imagine

The halls of the MACUSA building were many, many more than one might originally think upon visiting. There were many dark places, tucked between departments, which one may or may not traverse daily. Those like Queenie Goldstein might stroll confidently through the light, on the quickest route to where they'd like to be. On the other hand, those like Percival Graves, on a quiet day, might slink into his office the back way, just for the pleasure of the silence. Of course, this happened every so often, and he wasn't ever interrupted.

That is, until one day, when during his walk he was interrupted by the unfamiliar sensation of being pushed into the wall. He couldn't stop himself from raising his wand defensively, though he sensed that his assailant wasn't dangerous. 

"What're you gonna do with that?" A light, teasing voice confirmed his senses. "Curse me?"

He relaxed, and the tip of his want lit brightly, allowing him to see her clearly in the relative darkness. The woman hanging onto his coat stared up at him, and he briefly remembered her. 

"Depends. Did you do something to deserve it?"

"I don't know. What do you think?"

He laughed and shook his head. "What's brought this on? Shouldn't you be surveilling your department?"

"Very funny. I think they'll do fine without me for a few minutes."

"What do you intend to do until you return to your work?"
"Keep you from yours." She hummed, leaning up to kiss him. It began chaste, but as her lips moved against his he felt a wave of passion and slowly switched their positions, first prompting her to sink down to her regular height, that he may leer over her. He returned his wand to its neutral position, plunging them back into the shadows. Then, he gripped her waist in his hands and turned, pressing her back against the wall. She smiled into the kiss and broke it, moving just enough to be able to speak.

"Are you gonna let me get away this time, Percy?" Her voice was still carefree and teasing, which demonstrated admirable composure. 

He placed a kiss at the corner of her lips before trailing down to her jaw, lightly sucking on the tight skin over the bone. She gasped a little bit, and a deep chuckle rumbled through him. He let his tongue flick across the mark he'd just made before responding; "No."

He pressed his hips up against her, effectively trapping her against the wall, though he didn't need to apply force to keep her there. She would willingly stay, even if he didn't pin her there.

"I know I'm the cause of your excitement, Percival, but I wasn't expecting that."

"No?" He muttered, humoring conversation while trying his best to distract her by giving her throat his mouth's attention. Her breath hitched, and he thought he had her.

"No. You--you know as well as I do that we can't do anything."

"We've been doing something."
"Right, but--we can't take it too far. At work."

"Nobody ever comes here. We're on our own."
"Oh, right, like that's ever worked on you before."

"Come now, Y/n." His voice made vibrations on her throat. "I can't very well send you to work like this."

"Me, or you?"

His hands moved away from her hips and met the bottom of her skirt, slowly pushing the hem up, as though waiting for her to legitimately refuse. She was responsive to his touch and shivered as he began to pull down her hose. 

"What's gotten into you?" She whispered. 

"A new way of thinking." He grinned like he was having a private joke with himself. He had her tights nearly to her knees when he paused, a sick idea crossing his likewise twisted mind. "Then again, you were probably right. How could we...and at work? Deplorable."

"Well, don't be overdramatic. Too late to stop, now."
"Oh, it's never too late. I'm sure we can finish this later--"

"Please, what?" He nearly growled, and she shivered again. She'd probably never had an experience quite like this before. And what was that niggling thought in the back of her head? Percy had been her first. Absolutely adorable. He'd never run his hands across her just so, lifted her off her feet and showed her everything he was capable of.

"Please...fuck me. Right here, right now."

He hid his manic smile in the crook of her neck and slowly dragged her up the wall. In response, she wrapped her legs around him for stability. With little more foreplay, he was screwing her against the wall with what she assumed was newfound vigor due to her charming inspiration. The satisfaction which he obtained from his actions rivaled the satisfaction that came from the sobs of pleasure that she muffled with his shoulder. His stamina wore long after she'd begun to sag against him, and after his climax he slowed, eventually stopping altogether.

They remained locked into position, him supporting her as she caught her breath. Eventually, she removed her face from its place near his neck and looked into his hazy eyes with her own.

"I love you, Percival." She confessed, and he resisted the urge to chuckle. Love. She loved him. Poor Percy hadn't managed to hear that one--he played his part, plastered on a smile.

"I love you, too."

Relief crossed her face and she kissed him again, softly, sweetly. Before they knew it, they were righting their clothes and she began to fix his appearance. A sweep of her fingers through his hair, a tug on his tie, a brush along his shoulders. Her loving gaze startled him, for a minute, and he thought back to her teasing, to the beautiful sounds she'd made, the way his mere touch made her quake and shiver. 

She shot him another quick, light smile.

"Alright, we definitely have to get to work n--"

He cut her off with a sudden kiss, so surprising that it took her a moment to melt into it--but she did, she fell prey to it, and shared one last exchange with him to end their liaison. And behind the wrong face, Grindelwald took this girl's misguided love for his own, raptured by the captivation of her lips, put off at the fact that this woman loved the man he wore, and not the man he was.

  He watched as she walked away from him, and muttered a reversal to the charm she'd cast to cover the various suck mark's he'd gifted her with. She turned round and shot him a look before continuing on her way to her office, leaving him to rationalize his new decision. What could it hurt, to have the Surveillor of Activity on his side?  

He had decided, upon seeing her in Percival's memory, that she might have to go. Now he knew, that regardless of the tribulation, she would have to come and be his. Of course, he had things to do, things to look for. He couldn't well spend his very first day infiltrating MACUSA cavorting with an impish enchantress--but it was certainly a fantastic way to start. 

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