Ch. 54

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It's been a month since Juyung was born. Taehyung who has been holding back for the past few months grew restless.

Every time he sees Jungkook, he can't help but fall in love every single day. Jungkook's the prettiest in his eyes, and no one can ever compare to that.

All Taehyung has inside his head is Jungkook. His kids too, but he can't help but only think of Jungkook.

Now that they have two kids, it was hard for the two to be left alone. Whenever Taehyung would try and be intimate with Jungkook, their youngest son would begin to cry, and that results in Taehyung being left alone.

When Juyung finally goes to sleep, Taehyung tries again, but Taekwon comes into view and demands to sleep with them.

Jungkook being the kind bunny he is, accepted Taekwon's wish to sleep with them.

And then, it repeats. It became a normal thing for the kids to interrupt their love bubble.

Currently, Taehyung is heading back home after going to doing a photoshoot early in the morning, and then going to a variety show.

"Taehyung-sshi, I've been calling you for the past five minutes. What's gotten into you?"

"It's because.."

Taehyung sighs, and looks out the window, his elbow resting on the car door.

"... Blue.."

"What? Blue?"

"I'm getting blue balled."


Seojoon exclaims, shocked by Taehyung's bluntness.

"I'm getting blue balled, Seojun hyung. Blue balled I tell you. Blue balled!"

Taehyung yells dramatically, his tone full of agony.

"What the heck.."

"My kids keep interrupting my time with Jungkook."

"Taehyung, hasn't it only been a month since your second son was born? Let Jungkook rest."

"But I'm desperate.."

"Oh my god... You sound like a hormonal teenager.."

"But I'm so horn—"

"Don't even continue with what you were going to say."

"But hyung! Weren't you like this with your wife after she gave birth? After waiting for months, wouldn't you want to do it?"

"I care about her a lot. So I waited for a year for her to recover from natural birth."

"A.. A year?!"

"That's right. You need to respect your partner after they give you a child. Of course, you have to respect them every single day. That's what marriage is all about. Respecting each other's boundaries, and caring for each other will leave you with a happy marriage."

"I respect Jungkook too... It's just I can't help it, you know? He's too irresistible!"

Seojoon sighs, shaking his head.

"Do you have anyone eligible to babysit your kids?"

".. My parents and mother in law.."

"They might be busy."

"They won't be able to reject the children.."

"Taehyung, you need to realize you have two young boys. They obviously would need the attention. Mostly Juyung, he was born just a month ago. And, you need to think about how exhausting it is to take care of children. Jungkook must be exhausted taking care of two boys every day."

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