Ch. 29

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Taehyung falls on the couch exhausted, and lonely. It's been a week since he hasn't seen Jungkook because of his university exams. The younger had stated that he needed to focus so he can't be bothered for two weeks at least.

For this whole week, Taekwon has only been making messes everywhere and won't even listen to Taehyung at all. Taekwon ran around, throwing tissues everywhere, giggling evilly as he looked at his dad.

"Look at me, daddy! You have to clean more now!"

Taehyung groans, standing up as his bones cracks. He picks up the tissues, and everything that was on the floor. He then looks around, and wonders where Taekwon went now.

He then heard a noise at the kitchen.

Shit. The place where I don't want him to be in right now!

Taehyung rushes to the kitchen and sees Taekwon spilling orange juice on the floor. Taekwon giggles, and threw eggs on the floor, and began to play with flour throwing it up in the air. Taehyung sighs, messily ruffling his hair.

"It's snow!"

Taekwo squeals, running around the kitchen with flour in his hands. Taekwon freezes in front of his dad, and throws flour at him.

"Got you daddy!"

Taekwon then ran out the kitchen, throwing flour everywhere. He even ran upstairs, creating more mess. Taehyung sighs, controlling his anger in. He has never yelled at Taekwon, or even disciplined the child at all.

It was hard for him to be angry at his son. He can't seem to get mad at him no matter what. Though, right now it's hard to control his anger. The string that connects to his anger is slowly pulling apart.

Taekwon comes downstairs, giggling. He comes back to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of vinegar, and then ran to the living room pouring it onto the couch. Taekwon throws the bottle of vinegar away, and ran to the fridge and took out some kimchi.

He looked at his dad with a sneaky look, and threw kimchi at him.

That's it.

Taekwon laughs, covering his mouth.

"Daddy! You look like a mons—"

"Kim Taekwon! Enough!"

Taekwon flinches, and stares up at his daddy.


"Shut it!"

Taehyung carries Taekwon, and walked to the living room. He then made Taekwon go to a corner, and kneels down in front of him.

This was the method that Taehyung had received from his parents when he was younger. To put them in a corner, ask them why they did that, and then leave them there for a few minutes to reflect on their actions.

"Why are you doing this, Taekwon?"

"... I don't know."

"I won't accept that as an answer, Kim Taekwon!"

Taekwon pouts, his eyes teary.

"It's fun.."

"It's fun?! Taekwon, look at the mess you made! Not even a cleaner can clean this mess up quickly! Why did you do this?"

Mommy Jeon|TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now