Ch. 9

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Jungkook wakes up hearing his phone ringing out loud. He lazily grabs his phone from his night stand, and accepts the call without looking at the name ID.


"Kookie! Koookieeee! It's me! Taekwon!"

"Hey.. How are you awake so early?"

Jungkook asks while chuckling.

"It's lunch time Kookie!"

"That's too early for me."

"You're so funny Kookie! Oh yeah, daddy said he has to meet someone so can you come over?"

"Oh? Can you pass the phone to your dad?"


Jungkook waited for a few seconds, he lightly laughs hearing small footsteps running downstairs,probably.

"Who did you call this time, bud?"

"It's me. Jungkook."

"Oh.. Hey."

"Taekwon told me you're meeting someone.. Do I need to come there and take care of him?"

"Will that be okay with you? I was going to call a babysitter instead, since you've been taking care of Taekwon alot. I figured you needed a break from that."

"Ah.. No, it's fine with me. Who are you meeting anyways?"

There was a pause for a whole minute, until he heard Taehyung sigh heavily.

"My ex. She's being problematic, and even involved her parents. She suddenly wants to take care of my son, when she was the one who didn't want to in the first place."

"Oh... I see.. Uh, I'll be there in an hour."

"Sure. See you soon."

".. Yup.."

Jungkook sighs, placing his phone on the night stand.

Tsk.. His ex probably just needs money.



"Hey buddy!"

Jungkook hugs Taekwon, bringing him up in his arms. He walks to the living room to see Taehyung dressed up, looking like the handsome man he already is.

"Wow, it looks like you're going to a party."

"The meetings at this fancy restaurant. I don't want to look out of place."

Jungkook hums, nodding slowly.

"Are you angry that your ex suddenly wants Taekwon?"

"Well, yeah. I have full custody over him. She's so annoying. I literally cut ties with her, and she suddenly comes back."

Taekwon watches his dad and Jungkook get into a long conversation, he stays in Jungkook's arm, laying his head on the soft shoulder. Then, an idea digned inside his little head.

He shot his head up, and cheekily snickers. He puts one hand around Taehyung's neck pulling him closer, but the elder didn't really care since he was too busy ranting about his ex.

Taekwon slowly pushed his dad's head closer to Jungkook's face, his little mouth smiling widely, but cheekily.

"And.... Kiss!"

Taekwon exclaims looking at the two adults, their lips attached. The two pulled away, staring at each other shocked. Jungkook put Taekwon down and gave him a 'Why'd you do that' look.

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