part 11

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Yeon took Sol Mi to her room. Sol Mi went inside and changed herself into comfortable clothes and went outside and saw Yeon who was waiting outside her room.

Sol Mi POV:

I went outside my room and saw Yeon waiting outside. I knew she was concerned after all she was the only one in the house who I knew cared for me though she doesn't show it, I know that she does.

"If you don't want to talk to the guys just tell me. I'll talk to them but tell me who did this?" She said pointing at my hands.

"There's no need to do anything," I said with a serious look.

I don't want anyone coming at me and if the siblings got to know about this I bet they'll do something and get in trouble.

"Please." I pleaded when she was about to say something.

She sighed but nodded.

"Take rest. I'll come later." She said while I nodded and thanked her and entered my room.

Author POV:

Yeon entered the meeting room in their mansion.

All the boys were surrounding Hoseok's laptop while he was typing away.

"She refuses to say anything like we thought. Got anything?" She said when everyone looked at her for any possible clue.

Though the siblings didn't accept her as their sister, she was still a Kim whether they like it or not and nobody messes with a Kim.

Everyone in the school knew that Sol Mi was now a Kim. News spreads fast when you come from a strong and influential family. No matter how many ever precautions you take, the news will leak and spread like wild fire.

So, whoever bullied Sol Mi can't have the excuse that they didn't know who she was now. They bullied her clearly knowing who she is now.

Hoseok clicked on in his laptop and showed it to the others.

It was the CCTV footage of school today.

Yeon POV:

Whatever happened must have happened in school. The boys asked the driver if they stopped anywhere and he said no. We watched the footage.

The footage showed a girl being dragged by 2 girls with one walking ahead of them. Those 3 girls were the wannabe queens of the school who claimed to be in love with my brothers. Also their ex's. Obviously my brothers played them.

"Ah seriously! If only my brothers weren't playboys. " I said smirking at them.

They glared at me and continued watching it. The girls dragged Sol Mi to an empty classroom and threw her the floor. Damn, she always get thrown on the floor.

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