part 41

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Author POV:

Yeon was in her room doing her school work that was due during the past week. 

Hearing my stomach grumble because of hunger, she stood up and walked outside the room to the kitchen.

Near the staircase, she saw Jungmi but widened her eyes as she saw her about to fall down the stairs.

Fastening her pace, she ran tried her best to prevent her sister from falling but unfortunately, Jungmi had completely lost balance and rolled down on the floor. 

The Kim brothers who just entered the mansion heard a high-pitched scream and saw their sister on the floor with a bleeding forehead and ran towards her in panic.

They all looked up to see who did it and saw Yeon on top of the stairs with her hand out forward.

The girl ran downstairs in panic but she was pushed by a furious-looking Jimin.

 Looking at him with wide eyes, she tried to speak up but she was cut off by him.

"How could you hurt your own sister?!"

Yeon shook her head and looked at her brother pleadingly, "I didn't do it!" but only to get heartbroken when Jungkook harshly pushed her on the floor making the girl land on the floor with a loud thud.

"You bitch! How could you stoop so low?! You disgusting piece of crap!"

Shaking her head in denial she again tried to explain herself, "I didn't d-"

She was again cut off by Yoongi who harshly squeezed her cheeks and glared at her.

"You monster! She's your sister for fuck's sake."

"Yoongi leave her! We must take Jungmi to the hospital, she's bleeding a lot!" Namjoon yelled and pulled Yoongi away from her.

The two glared at Yeon with rage and disappointment and left her but she didn't fail to notice the new emotion in their eyes. Hatred. Hatred for her.

"Lock her in the basement." Jin commanded before carrying the injured girl in his arms and ran out of the mansion with the others following him after glaring at her.

Taehyung and Hoseok harshly held her by the wrist and dragged her to the underground basement in the mansion and threw her in and locked the door. 

Yeon didn't bother fighting against them because she knew that they all blamed her for what happened.

They soon left leaving her all alone in the cold and dark basement. The tears that she held back till now started flowing endlessly. It hurts a lot when someone you love accuses you of something you didn't do and even throw harsh remarks at you.

Yeon knew that she wouldn't get out of here anytime soon and only hoped that her sister was safe.


Yeon POV:

One week. One week since my brothers locked me up in this dirty and dark basement. I wasn't given food or water during this time. I was extremely hungry and thirsty.

Mrs. Choi and a few other maids came to see me during this time with food and water. They made sure my brothers didn't know about this because if they knew then they'd be doomed.

I kindly declined whenever they bought something because I was being punished and during this time I should make sure that I am being punished though it's for something I didn't do. 

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