part 54

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Yeon left the washroom and decided to go home. 

She was mentally and physically exhausted. 

Everything going around her made her want to stop everything and cry until she had no tears left.

She was tired. She couldn't ask for help from her brothers, she broke the one guy who was there for her at her worst, she could possibly die and hurt her loved ones even more.

She needed a break. She may seem like the carefree and goofy girl but that's just a facade to hide her sad and broken self.

Her cheerful personality never left her but she couldn't always be smiley and happy as though she had nothing to worry about.

To everyone, she is the smart, happy, and rich girl with the perfect life and no worries.

No one knew about the broken girl in her. She never let anyone know. Only her pillow knew how much she suffered till now. All the unknown tears she shed. Her pain. No one knew.

Jungmi entered Yeon's room. She was extremely worried when Yeon disappeared from school.

She expected her to come back to class and then talk to her but to her surprise, the girl didn't return.

She was later informed that she went home.

Jungkook and Jungmi were extremely worried. All her brothers were.

Jungmi entered the room and saw Yeon curled up with her blanket fast asleep.

She went closer to her and saw her sister's red puffy eyes making the older girl hate herself even more. She also noticed the tray of brownies and ice cream.

Jungmi remembered the time when she was nearly molested and Yeon bought her the exact same things saying these are the perfect things to have when you're sad.

She caressed her hair and mumbled inaudible apologies.

She soon left the room letting Yeon sleep.

"Mom, when will things be fine? I just can't. Every day I'm worried something might happen to Dad, the boys, Unnie, or anyone I love."

"When can I be happy? Can I even be together with the others in the future?" Yeon's tears spilled out of her beautiful yet broken eyes.

'The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.' This was indeed true when it comes to Yeon's life.

Yeon was in the one place that gave her peace. Her mother's grave. 

She always felt like her mother was beside her whenever she talked about her day, be it good or bad she felt her mother's presence beside her. Congratulating or comforting her. 

She felt her mother near her, with her.

"I even broke Eunwoo's heart today. I-I don't even know if I'll live. How can I let him suffer? I don't want him to be in love with me but at the same time I do." She wiped her tears away but they still kept flowing. She chuckled at herself. 

"Why did he have to love me? Out of all the girls in the world that idiot had to love me! If only I could hit him on his head and tell him to like someone else, but he seemed so serious that it broke me even more."

Yeon silently cried but this time no tears fell. She shed so many tears today that she couldn't even produce more tears.

She had lost track of time. She didn't realize that it was past midnight until she checked her phone to see many missed calls and texts from her siblings but one particular call caught her attention.

Meanwhile, The Kims were in their living room waiting for Yeon to return. They knew Yeon had a bad day and Jungmi told them everything about what happened.

Yeon had left the mansion without telling anyone and wasn't even picking up any of their calls.

They all unknowingly fell asleep in the living room and were harshly woken up by a few unknown men who then left them in a room, all tied up. 

The room was big and dark, it held a dark vibe to it slightly worrying them.

"Where are we?" Jungkook weakly asked the others. He felt like his head would split open, not only him but also the others.

"I guess we were attacked." He heard his father, Mr. Kim say.

"They even took our weapons away!" Jimin yelled frustrated. 

They all fell silent, trying to think of a way to get out of the creepy room but the ropes restrained any of their movements.

 Their thoughts were broken as they heard someone laugh. They turned towards the sound and a masked man step inside the room with many other men with guns following after him.

"What do we have here? Kim Byunghun and his beloved family!" The voice said.

They all could feel a familiarity in the person's voice but they couldn't recognize it.

The man removed his mask-making all of them gasp in surprise.

"Uncle?" Namjoon whispered, shocked to see his Uncle in front of him.

"Dongsu-ah? What is this? Why are we here and what are you doing here?" Mr. Kim asked the man.

Choi Dongsu, also the secret mafia leader of the Black dragon mafia, Hades.

The man laughed seeing them be so oblivious.

"What d'you think? I kidnapped you here so that I could kill you all and after the unexpected death of the powerful Kim family I'll get all of your properties!" Hades exclaimed with a crazy smile painting over his face. 

The others were too shocked to hear the newfound information and they could tell that this wasn't a prank like they were hoping for it to be.

"But I see we have one person missing. It's fine I'll kill her after letting her see her family's dead bodies."

"You won't touch my daughter! I'll make sure you die you bastard!" Mr. Kim yelled worried for his little girl and scoffed, "and what makes you think that I'll let you have my assets?! They would go to the government if I die without a will!"

"Well, I already have your will with me." Hades said and took out a document-like paper with a fingerprint at the bottom.

Mr. Kim's eyes widened.

"After the death of your entire family, all your properties, money, and company would be under me and my wife." He said with a smirk.

"After that, I'll kill that sister of yours and then everything will be mine!" He completed and started laughing like a crazy man giving goosebumps to others.

"You bastard! Don't you dare hurt my sister!!" Mr. Kim yelled, his eyes pooling up with tears.

He couldn't believe that he himself destroyed his little sister's life. He was the one who wanted his sister to marry his best friend but he didn't realize that he was letting his sister walk into hell.

"Let's just get this done with. Kill them." Hades said with a smirk and soon guns were pointed to each Kim's forehead.

The Kim's all closed their eyes waiting for their death.

Thank you for reading!

I'm sorry but the Kim family dies.

Hope you liked the chapter!

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