part 30

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After the cops left Yeon took Jungmi to their car.

Jungmi was about enter the drivers seat when Yeon stopped her.

"I'll drive." She said and went to the drivers seat.

"You can't drive yet." Jungmi protested.

"That's what you think." She mumbled and went to the drivers seat.

"Get in."

Jungmi was not so sure about this, She herself got her license 2 weeks ago and now Yeon who wasn't even 16 yet wanted to drive.

She got in and wore her seat belt and held onto it.

"Jeez! I'm not gonna kill you. Calm down, sis." Yeon mumbled and started the engine.

The two got off the car and Jungmi was impressed with her sister's driving skills, she drove way better than her.

"Told ya. You won't get killed so soon." She said with a small smirk and entered the mansion.

Jungmi smiled looking at her sister. Yeon had played her favorite songs during the car ride which made her feel much better than before.

The two entered the mansion and were greeted with silence which meant the boys weren't home yet.

"Go to your room Unnie, I'll be there in a bit." She said and sent Jungmi to her room.

Yeon entered Jungmi's room with a plate full of freshly made brownies, ice cream, and chocolates.

"These are the best things to have when you're feeling down and you should feel honored that I'm letting you have my stuff because not many people have to luck to do so." She said and placed all of the sweet goodies on her bed.

"And there's one more thing to complete the list." She took the TV remote and started a drama.

"And done!" Yeon said with a big smile.

"What's even better than sweets and dramas? The two combined!" The girl completed with a wink.

Jungmi laughed seeing her sister get all excited while eating the brownies and fangirling over the drama actor.

Soon the two were all over the place squealing and jumping around Jungmi's room when a scene where the actor was shirtless was played.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" They both yelled together while holding each other's hands and jumping around.

"He's so handsome!" Jungmi squealed and held Yeon's hands.

"I know right!!"

The door to Jungmi's room was burst open and close the boys appeared with a worried look

"What's wrong? Are you both hurt?!" Jin asked with concern. The moment the boys entered the mansion they heard their sisters scream.

The girls looked at each other and nodded, "We have been attacked." Yeon said making the boys extremely worried.

"Are you both hurt anywhere? Why didn't you inform us Yeon?!" Hosoek said with a really worried face.

"We have been attacked in our hearts!" Jungmi said and held her heart dramatically.

"What?! Should we go to the hospital?! Who did it?!" Taehyung said with an angry and concerned face.

Both the girl pointed at something and all the boys looked to where they were pointing at.

That's when they saw the TV and the shirtless actor.

They all looked at the two with an 'are-you-serious-look'.

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