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𝐸𝑣𝑎 👹: u didn't even tell me you were leaving or that you were planning on DYINGGGGG

Malia:💩: ur being over dramaticc

Eva 👹: AM I!!!!! THAT PLACE is gonna be packed with dangerous people from like mafias and shit, they may look like sad sobby rich people but they are devils behind those fake ass masks

Malia💩: stoppppp those are just rumours and plus I haven't see any guns so far


Malia 💩: yh i am and iv gtg

Eva 👹: so u getting that £!!! tonight without me huh?

Malia💩: shut up Im serious I have to leave

Eva👹: ughh fine but promise me if you meet some rich stranger u'll see if he has a richer brother

Malia💩: I hate you

Eva 👹: love you, be safe 😘


"Hun could u bring out more drinks to table 17 and 34?"


The night has been very uneventful and honestly quite boring, Don't ask me why I wanted some drunk man to randomly start swearing or flip over a table, It would of made the evening much more interesting . Everyone has such amazing fashion sense here, but why are they all wearing black? Like is this a funeral?

"I need a fucking drink"

Behind me, a tall and quite masculine man standing before me, his white shirt slightly revealing the pattern of his body and his dark silky hair was all over the place.

"Are you one of the slaves or not?"

"Excuse me?",
Did this man really just call me a slave.

"Servant or whatever it is",

"Waiter" I say correcting him.

He had this unamused look on his face that radiated 'does it look like I give a shit?' energy.

"princess does it look like I give a shit?"


"Don't fucking call me princess" I said glaring back at him, "if you want me to get you your drink ask nicely" I demanded. I have no idea where this unusual amount of confidence was coming from, but I didn't care because this guy was acting like an obnoxious dick.

He looked at me with an evil grin on his face, he leaned in close and gripped onto my hip, making me stumble forward.

"Now love, was that an order?" he smirked,

I gulped and took a step back, but he pulled me even closer.

"sorry to disturb you Sir, but We need to borrow Malia" A young waiter said.

I have no idea who this girl was, however I am so grateful for her impeccable timing.

But his eyes were still glued onto me,


He held his gaze for a moment and then loosened his grip on my hips, releasing me. I quickly turned around and before I got the chance to walk away, he quickly held onto my wrist pulling me back to him.

"we're not done yet.....Malia" he whispered.

Great now the creep knows my name.

The girl escorted me to a back room where there were a group of other girls dressed in beautiful dresses, they all looked absolutely stunning. But they weren't from the event because I recognised a few of them, they were dressed as waiters before.

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