She doesn't know

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"𝑖 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒"

"I don't want to be here" She whined ,

I know everyone in the meeting were getting annoyed by her constant lack of patience and so was I.

I brought her to see the training room today, where young recruits are being assigned and they show off there abilities. I thought if im going to show her something about the Mafia world, I might as well start small. We haven't got to the training part yet , I'm in a meeting and she has zero patience, she keeps complaining.

I told her about what I was and how I owned the English Mafia, when my father got sick I was the one who he passed down everything too. I did'nt bother explaining anything else, as her little pea sized brain most likely wouldn't have been able to wrap itself around it. She's still a bit confused about it all and she still thinks 'Mafia's' are just men with guns who kill for fun, She honestly pisses me off most of the time.

"Can we go home" she begged, I turned around to look at her and I saw her legs were shaking, it made me feel very satisfied.

"Why are you shaking like that?" I teased,

She scrunched her face together, at an attempt of trying to look intimidating.

"I brought you here so you can learn something about my mafia",

That , and also the fact that I don't trust her to be by herself anymore.

"Who said I want to learn any of this shit?" She huffed, bringing her arms up to her chest.

She says she doesn't want to, but I know deep down there's curiosity hidden beneath all that authority.

"There's an empty room out back on the left ,go there and stop bothering me" I said rolling my eyes and getting back to the meeting.

She stood up dramatically, stomping away. But I know that was quite hard to do , since she had a slight limp, I wonder why.

"Back to what I was saying".


I can't believe I did that, I'm so disappointed in my self. I can't believe I was so fucking horny and I released all that sexual frustration out on him. Yes it was the best sex that I've ever had, but it doesn't count cause I've only had sex with one person other than him.

The day I decide to explain all this to Eva, I know for a fact she's going to burn me alive. I had to lie to her yet again, I told her that he was a guy I started liking recently. She was clearly upset that I didn't tell her about him, and that she had to find out like this.

My legs were still in so much pain, everything hurt so much. Everything was so intense, but perfect at the same time. I can't stop thinking about how his strong masculine fragrance, touched me as we kissed. Or how he knew exactly where I felt pleased the most, if only he wasn't a killer it might've actually worked out.

My head was literally throbbing.

I reached a dead end, IV been walking down an endless path for the past 4 minutes. I stood in the centre of an empty hallway, did he say empty hall or room? cause I wasn't paying attention to him.

A loud bang , errupted from below me. I directioned myself towards the noise, there was a stairway leading downwards. I moved closer to it, the sound got louder.

He'd get mad that I ignored his instructions again but Romano's in a meeting, he's too distracted to notice anything. So I tiptoed Down the spiraling staircase which led to a gloomy darkness. I took out my phone to point out a flashlight, but it wasn't bright enough.

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