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GUYS I actually can't believe that this is the end, but I'm afraid so. I thought that this book would only take up some of my time, but then out of nowhere it became a 24/7 job. Im sad but also relieved to end it here, knowing that I can start a new book that I hope will be 10 x better than this one.

I know that some of you may not agree with the ending, so I thought I should explain why I kept it like that. At the very start when things weren't so lovely between Malia and Romano, he Was very abusive towards her and many other things. Therefore I felt it would be wrong for her to end up with him. I really wanted her to become that strong independent women, that I'm proud to say she is now , and his death was part of her character development.

I'm going to be honest I hated the book the first 5 chapters, but as we went on I gradually became attached to it. One of the characters from this book I will always and forever love will be Ezra, he was one of the best things about this book (sorry for faking his death).

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! For reading my book and for making it from the beginning til the end. And also those of you whose been reading this, when it was only at 20-30 reads. THAT'S CRAZY, and now it's at 337k reads!!!! I see all of the comments that you have written and they honestly make me smile so so much. I love you guys and thank you once again for all the love and support.


(For my next book, I can't promise it will be Mafia based, but one thing I can confirm is that the main trope will be 'Enemies to Lovers')

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