Girls night

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"I don't like him"

Eva's been ranting on to me for the past 3 lessons, about how she does'nt like Romano.
She believes he gives of a bad vibe and that he's going to end up breaking my heart.

"Like there's something fucking off about him M, I'm serious" she whispered aggressively.

I rolled my eyes at her and copied down the notes that the teacher was writing out on the white board.

"You've only known him for less than a month and your living with him now" she frowned, bending her neck over the table so that I would look at her.

"Girls at the back, stop talking"

When the teacher turned around, Eva flipped him off, then turned back to me.

"to be honest the reason I question this situation the most is cause you literally moved out without warning" she huffed, crossing her arms over her books.

It was hard keeping up with all the lies, I let come out my mouth. She had some very valid points , that I mostly agree with. But I could never admit to them as she would then know something was up.

"And he look's way older than you"




"Are you seriously ignoring me".

"We'll talk about this later" I groaned, moving my table further away from hers.


The bell for lunch rang just in time, saving us both from getting into anymore trouble.

"just promise me" she started, clinging onto the handle of my school bag,"if he's anything like Dan-"


That name just sent a sudden storm of darkness rushing over me, flashbacks of things I do not want to remember.

"I'm sorry" she apologized, regretting the name she had just mentioned, "I want you to be happy and safe, that's all",

I know she did.

"Promise me?", She smiled, stretching out her pinkie,


I don't deserve someone as good as her, she's the most amazing person I know. I can't stop thinking about how , even if she doesn't know it, I'm hurting her so much.

I got through the next two periods, by listening to music and drifting off into my own world , it's the only way I'd be able to get through the day. Eva and I both have separate classes as she studied Art and I did English literature . I hate to admit that I can sometimes get jealous of how creative she is, if I could draw such amazing things I'd never put my pencil down.

After our classes were over We exited the gates. Eva was blabbing on to me about how she believes the conspiracy theories about Louis Tomlinson and Harry styles being secretly married.

"There's actually PROOF!!!"

I just held back my laugher as I let her ramble on.

When we reached the streets, out front was one of the Black car's that Romano sent to pick me up, all there car's look exactly the same.

"Me and you are going out tonight" Eva declared, raising her fist up in the air.

"we have to work at the club tonight, remember?"

"I'll get us a day off" she screamed, walking away from me.


"YOU CAN" She yelled out, skipping across the road.

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