The Final truth

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I sat on the centre of my bed, staring into space. My mind wandering into the midst of nowhere, thoughts of things I didn't want to know about kept invading my mind.

I held my notepad on my lap,  tempted to start writing again. But if I took a hold of that pen, my story would become something more of anger and rage.

He's locked me in my room , resulted from the anger of not having my trust. Or maybe what I saw was true and he's now scared I've finally found it all out. I hate not being able to reach the clear imagine , I'm trying to put pieces together that don't make sense

Moments into my inner thoughts, the rattling of a key turning came from my door.

"Ezra", the door revealed.

"Malia" he spoke in a hushed tone, closing the door as he walked in.

I straightened myself up, making myself less comfortable on the bed. I watched him as he stood by the door all soldier like.

"Sit down" I smiled,

Ezra and I haven't spoken since the incident with Eva, likely since we haven't had the chance to speak with everything that's happened in between.

"I wanted to say sorry" he muttered lightly, sitting himself down on the bed, "again".

"You don't hav-"

"I do Malia" he objects, his eye's staring into mine, with a stir of guilt and regret.

I tilt my head downwards, not able to remain eyes contact. I could tell he felt bad and honestly I forgave him. Things happen, you have to move pass them when they do.

"Your forgiven" I giggled, lightly shoving him on his shoulder, I just wanted to put all this behind us. "now stop this awkward tension between us, it's getting uncomfortable".

"okay, okay" Ezra laughed, shaking his head at me in relief. "So how's being grounded going for you?".

I rolled my eyes at him, throwing my pillow at his face. He caught the pillow, pulling it down onto his lap.

"That's not funny" I scolded,

"It is a bit" he teased, giving me a mischievous grin.

However the smug look on his face, got washed off the moment we heard a pair of shoes walk past my room. The way his face dropped to the floor, indicated to me that he must of come to see me in secret.

"Now that was funny" I smirked, mocking his facial expressions.

"Shut up" he whispered aggressively, his hand flying over to my mouth, I caught it just in time throwing it back at him.

"So I'm guessing Romano doesn't know your with me?"

"Nope" he mumbled, his eyes still glued to the door.

"Why would he care if your here anyways?" I said, flopping back more comfortably onto the bed. "It's not like you'd let me out".

He raised his eyebrows at me, reminding me of all the times he's helped me behind Romano's back.

"Would you?" I smiled nervously, trying my luck.


It was a worth a try,

"I'm in enough trouble already" he sighed, looking back to face me. "Plus Romano's been on edge ever since you left".

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