Obedient little pet

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I'm sitting against the couch, staring in to the eyes of a shaking Ezra. Next to me sits an amused Romano, waiting for the secrets to be unraveled. Ezra taps his leg against the hard wood, holding his hands together as they tremble against his lap.

"So did you come over here to sit there like an idiot" Romano glared into his eyes, man spreading across the couch, "or are you here to explain why you Decided to take the day off".

As scary as Romano can be, I doubt Ezra's all shaken up cause he's scared of his reaction towards his secret day plan. He's hiding something, and he's not doing quite a good job at it.

"Fucking speak then" Romano growled,


His face glances up at me, giving me a displeased look. I return the favour, hinting to him that this wasn't going to go anywhere if he continued to act like that.

"You can tell us" I said gently , "whatever it is I'm sure Romano will get over it eventually".

"It's not him", Ezra finally spoke,

If it isn't Romano, who else would he need to be afraid of,



"Her?" Romano laughed out, almost stumbling forward on the couch, "you gave her one or two training lessons and you think she can beat your ass".

This didn't seem like a joke, Ezra genuinely seemed fearful of me, which was starting to make me anxious.

"What could I possibly get mad at you for" I smiled nervously, not knowing what to expect.

"your friend",


"Eva" he whispered under his breath, averting his eyes to the ground.

"What about her?"

I looked over to my side, to see Romano just as muddled as I was.

"Let me show you" Ezra sighed.

He took us over to the same house I grew up in, the place where Eva and her family live. This didn't make any sense, 'Why would Ezra have anything to do with Eva?'

I looked over them both, who were waiting for me to knock on the door. I placed my ear against it, listening in for any sign of movement.

"E" , I whispered onto the door

No one answered,

"Eva it's me" I called out again, but no response.

Ezra's eye's were shut as he spread his fingers through his air. He didn't face me for some reason, he was too ashamed.

"Do you want me to break the door down for you?" Romano's husky voice whispered onto my neck, way to close for my liking.

Before I could answer back to his stupidity, the door creaked open. Eva stood there in her dressing gown, covered in sweat and tears. I couldn't bare to see her like this, I felt I was about to break down on the spot. she ran over to me, strangling me with her long arms. I held her in a warm hug, as she weeped onto my shoulders.

"Malia" she sobbed, as I went to hold her face in my palms.

When she brought her face up to mine, that's when she realised I didn't come here alone. Her eyes set on Ezra, immediately backing away from me.

"Malia close the door!" She cried, clinging onto my finger, "MALIA!".

"What's happened?" I asked following her away from them.

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