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I feel as if I'm slowly abandoning everything I was brought up to believe I am. Even though my life isn't some fairytale, it's what I've come to live with . I have dreams , passions and adventures I want to explore, I want to be an author one day, spending my time imprinting the storms in my mind onto a piece of paper.

I don't want to believe that all of that could go away.

Lorenzo tells me that I won't be able to go to college anymore, which is horribly disappointing as I just started again. I mean it won't be much of a difference though, after what happened with Denmark. He says it would be hard to do, with a continuous target on my back. The dance that we're soon to be attending, is my full reveal. The word of there being a heir to the Italian Mafia throne, will spread quite quickly. Some people just won't care of what I am, others will take the opportunity for more power.

The more I think of all this, I start to regret the decision.



"Breathe" Lorenzo whispers,

I look over to my side, to see him stood next to me. Wearing a Navy blue suit, with little cuffs on his wrists. He slightly smiles at me, I know to reassure me that this will all go perfectly.

But will it really?

"I am breathing" i exhale, feeling a tad bit faint. I rub off my sweaty palms on the back of my dress, that trailed all the way down back.


As the doors creaked open, the intimidating faces of everyone else's burned into mine

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As the doors creaked open, the intimidating faces of everyone else's burned into mine. Lorenzo's arm was linked onto my arm, as he heaved us through. I remembered the previous time I came to one of Javier's events, it was with Romano. I looked down at my arm on Lorenzo's, thinking of whose it was the last time.

I wanted to close my eyes and block out the view of what I could see, but that would show weakness. I received some glares, as my dress flared out from the wind. Whispers passed through the groups of people in all areas, I wanted to listen into the gossip that was obviously about me.

Behind us followed Rita and a few of My 'men', that flew in from Italy. None of them spoke or introduced themselves to me, but Lorenzo says they are here for my safety. They almost resemble Romano's men, all serious looking and heavily muscular. And I also have a small gun strapped down to my thigh, and this time I actually know how to use it, thanks to Rita.

Just as I was about to clutch on tighter to Lorenzo's arm, he lets me go. I almost fall back from all the strength I was using to hold onto him.

"You'll be fine" he mutters, leaning into my ear. He heads off into the crowd, as I take a minute to just process the fact that he left me all on my own. My 'Men' spread out into All four directions, also abandoning me. I look around the room, as my head start to spin. I quickly grab onto Rita's arm, before she decides to go too.

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