A strong women

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I turn to see Her hands harshly wrapped it's way around his head, suffocating him with her desperate grip. The way her tounge slithered in and out of his mouth, hit me right in the throat. I wanted to throw a punch at the both of them, or do anything but stand here and look stupid.

Romano may have been kissing her, but his attention was all on me. His eyes stared deep into mine, as her lips kept pecking at his.

I was about to vomit, I didn't know if I was more jealous or disgusted. I couldn't stand to witnesses it any longer, I just wanted to get out.

'Malia you don't care for him anymore'

'He means nothing to you'

'So forget about him'

I wanted too, but why does it have to be so hard?

The constant fear that takes over my body, everytime I walk out into the school halls. The mere thought of seeing Mr Denmark, left me hurling inside. By now he must of marked my test, knowing full well that I extremely failed. Ive being avoiding him, as I haven't had any of his classes so far ,which is a great relief. All I wish is for him to not kick me out, I'll staple myself to my chair in his class if I have too.

At this time I'd normally be heading off to my last lesson, but my teachers sick so I get to leave early. Eva on the other hand has to stay, leaving me to walk home on my own. It's a long way from college, to Eva's house.

so that's fun.

I'd ask Lorenzo to pick me up, but I kinda don't want to see him after yesterday. I know I'm the one that kissed him, and for that I feel embarrassed. It was just a dare ,it didn't mean a thing, though I hope he knows that. I'm lucky I didn't have a truth detector strapped to me when being asked, cause I wasn't even being completely honest with my answer.

As my Hectic thoughts scrambled up in my mind, it took me by complete shock, when realising I was being pulled into a classroom. A hand taped over my mouth, as I screamed for air. My feet followed backwards, as I was pressed against someone's back. The next second, I was being forcefully pushed onto one of the desks.

Romano stood Infront of me, his muscular hands trapping me from both sides. My mind wasn't processing the scenario fast enough, as for a while all I could do was stare into the darkness of his eyes. He looked back at me, however not in a pleasant way.

"what" I spat, slapping myself back into the moment. A flashback of his make out session with Gracie, crossed my mind. I wanted to murder him, for putting me through that torture.

He didn't answer, just stayed frozen in the position we were in. I looked outside the window of the door, in fear of a teacher walking past, specifically Mr Denmark. Imagine how awkward it would be ,to walk in on us in this very position. Plus I think that would be more of a reason, for him to want to kick me out. I turned back to Romano, who had no difference in his features from the last 5 minutes.

I pushed him back with my arms, trying to slide off the table. But he just lifts me back on top, his arms carrying my body weight.

"What the fuck do you want" I shout, unrinkling the ripples on my skirt. "I have to be somewhere, I'm meeting with-",



"No" I reply quickly, too quickly

"Then who?",

"Rita" I mouth, shrinking my eyes at him. "Not that it should concern you".

"Why shouldn't it?"

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