Cookies and whiskey

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I shoved everything off the table, making it clatter down onto the floor. I held my head in my hand, frustrated by everything that was going on. The fury inside of me, was seconds away from escaping and destroying everything in it's path. Her stupid , addictive voice constantly ringing in my head.

I hate her.

I hate myself.

I hate everyone.

"Boss" a voice spoke, from someone standing beside the door.

I looked up , my eye's most likely blood shot from the lack of sleep.


"We need people to go bring in our stocks from Block A" He answered.

"Why are you telling me this Rob?" I scoffed, furrowing my eyebrows at him, "I gave you the responsibility, so why don't you set the fucking orders"


"But what!?" I yelled, shaking the table back, "do you need me to get someone else to do the job."

He shook his head vigorously, looking down to the ground. It wasn't out of respect or shame, I'm guessing it was the fear, that he'll accidentally say something that will make me lash out.

"Cause I know For a fact some people are waiting till u make one wrong move, to sweep in and steal the spotlight from you".

All my men want my approval, more than that a higher status in the Mafia. If one somehow receives that, the others become starving lions.

"I understand that Sir" he hesitantly spoke back, "however we have no one to do it".

Just as I was going to respond, Ezra walked in.

"I'll find someone to do it" Ezra replied to him, looking back to me with disappointment.

I tipsily shook my hand at Rob, signalling him to get his ass out my office. I then poured myself some more whiskey, from my alcohol cabinet. Ezra shut the door , turning back to me with the same expression.

"I'm guessing you have know clue as to why we haven't got enough men" he said, sitting down opposite me.

I carelessly shrugged my shoulders at him, thumping my polished shoes down on the empty table.

"It's cause you sent everyone out to look for her"

I didn't look into his eyes, or he'd probably notice how off I was right now.

"Why are you repeating my orders to me?" I asked mockingly, "I know what I did".


I closed my eyes, I didn't really want to hear anything he had to say. Plus now that he was saying it out loud, I can't deny to myself it sounded quite reckless.

"fucking snap out of it, it's been 27 days. we are out looking for her, but your abandoning everything else, EVERYTHING!. We have responsibilities here as well, and it's all crashing down cause we have no one around."

I grabbed my glass of whiskey smashing it down onto the wall beside his head. He ducked down just in time, or else he would have had a few shards stuck in his face.

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